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Browsing Category "Games"
The End of a SIF Era

The End of a SIF Era

Saturday, February 4, 2023 / No Comments
 Hello everyone, and I'll start off my post with a big welcome into the new year! I hope that all of you will have a fruitful year ahead~Anyway,...
Nintendo Switch: Nightshade

Nintendo Switch: Nightshade

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 / No Comments
My nuggets!!!!!!!!!I have ascended to heaven!!! Nightshade is ridiculous, I love it so much. As usual, first play is my own, and I managed to get on...
NIntendo Switch: Collar X Malice

NIntendo Switch: Collar X Malice

Thursday, February 3, 2022 / No Comments
Hello my nuggets~I've been inhaling my otomes at the speed Naruto inhales his ramen and man! I was not expecting Collar X Malice to be SO GOOD. (Major...