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Colouring Sheet for "Singapore Bicentennial 2019"

The Covid-19 pandemic is turning the world upside-down. Nevertheless, we hope you are coping fine during this Circuit Breaker or Lockdown period. If you want to do something else other than watching anime, Netflix or gaming, you can try your hands at Colouring. Parents can take a breather by letting your kids colour on their own and hopefully not disturb you for the next hour.

This is an illustration of "Singapore Bicentennial 2019" with some of our cute characters in it. There are two versions - a simple and a full version. Just save the pictures and print out in A4 size and colour away!

 Simple version

Full version

Visit here if you want to know the explanation to this artwork. Otherwise have fun adding colours while staying home! Feel free to tag us your drawings at #milkcananime in Instagram. We would love to see your beautiful artworks!

Written by Max

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