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Kimaru Chan LUNAR NEW YEAR 2020 Whatsapp & Telegram Stickers

2020 is the year of the Rat. Since we have an OC Kimaru Chan which looks like a rat, we designed a pack of Lunar New Year stickers for Whatsapp and Telegram.

Kimaru Chan is a little elephant shrew which can be found in the forest of Africa. It has a long snout (nose) and large ears. They are very small in size, much like a hamster but runs like Usain Bolt! The long snout helps them to locate little prey and because they have large ears, they have excellent sense of hearing!

Elephant shrews are seldom heard of in Asia, their "anti-social" behaviour doesn't help. However, they are lovey-dovey rodents as they live in pairs. They leave their scents behind to attract their partners. Their diet includes small insects such as grasshoppers, fruits and leaves. They are curious by nature.

Kimaru Chan is a kawaii character of MILKCANANIME

This kawaii Kimaru Chan stickers are available free for Whatsapp and Telegram


For Android Phone user

1) Download the free WhatSticker App in Google Play
2) In the top bar, search for "Milkcananime". Choose the pack "Kimaru Chan CNY 2020". Add to Android.

For iPhone user

1) Download the free Kotech Online App in Apple App Store
2) Use Safari and type whatsticker.online
3) In the top bar, search for "Milkcananime". Choose the pack "Kimaru Chan CNY 2020". Add to iPhone
4) Tap 'Open' when prompted to open in Kotech Online. Then save the stickers.

Note: Remember to use Safari to go to whatsticker.online, and not the app itself.


Fans of Telegram fret not, we have also released the cute stickers here.

Designed by Max Wong and Shiriel


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