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Milkcananime characters stickers for Whatsapp, Telegram and LINE

After creating and illustrating our line of Milkcananime characters, this time we rolled out our very first stickers for messaging use. In April, we released a new pack of Kakichan the Oyster stickers for Whatsapp. It's for anyone who loves Kakichan to download for free here. For iphone users, you need to download the "Kotech Services Co" app first, which takes only a jiffy. This app has a chinese character logo which recognises other stickers with chinese wordings.


Kakichan the Oyster for Whatsapp 

Steps for iphone (iOS) users
1. Download the Kotech Services Co. App  to your phone.
2. Use Safari to search Whatsticker online
3. Search for "Kakichan"
4. Click "Add to iphone"

Kakichan the Oyster II for Whatsapp 

We have also rolled out a pack of Kakichan the Oyster stickers for LINE users. So happy to finally see our characters approved by LINE! This pack of 24 kawaii stickers is for purchase. You may purchase the 24 cuties here.


Kakichan the Oyster for LINE


akichan the Oyster for Telegram

Kakichan the Oyster 2 for Telegram

Hope our stickers can enliven and enrich your conversations with your friends and love ones! 


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