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Hataraku Saibou (Cells At Work)

Hello my little nuggets!

I'm pretty sure most of you would have seen Hataraku Saibou floating along the internet, especially since it seems to be pretty popular this season. 

It's an anime about the cells in your body, aptly titled, 'Cells at Work'. I'd say it mainly revolves around the RBC as she seems to be the focus, but there are of course many appearances by the other cells. My favorite by far is the B-cell! He's too cute!

the one in denim!!
The little Platelets are obviously also incredibly cute, no competition there. I swooned when they appeared. The anime is split up to introduce a new cell and a new bacteria/germ almost every episode, and when they make an appearance the narrator will explain the function of the cell and the effect of the bacteria/germ, so not only is it super cute, it's also actually very informative. There's a portion about what happens when you get an abrasion, what happens afterwards, etc etc. 

The anime is only up to episode 6, so as usual I went and continued with the manga. The manga sort of progresses at a faster pace, so I would usually drop the anime and focus solely on the manga, but since I like the animation I actually don't quite mind doubling up. 

Also! The world of Hataraku Saibou obviously takes place in a human body, and I think it's a pretty healthy body. However, there is another version titled Hataraku Saibou Black, where the cells are working in an unhealthy body. This means smoking, drinking, and stress as well.

After reading Hataraku Saibou Black I have the urge to take super good care of myself to not put my cells into overdrive. I definitely would recommend watching Hataraku Saibou and reading Black as well!

Nerd out for now, and take good care of yourselves my little nuggets!!

Written by: ninetylives

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