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Figure Unboxing and Review: Devil Akemi Homura Awake version (Banpresto)

I picked this set up in Japan and it was a lot cheaper (400 yen each) than the prices that these are going for in Singapore (about 22-30 each). As some of you might know, I have grown out of prize figures but this show is one of the few that I really enjoyed and the figure itself is quite unique so I decided to bite the bullet and get it.

This set has both the uniform and God/Devil version and each version has an awake and sleeping variant. In this case, it's the God/Devil versions, with both being awake. Hope you enjoy the review!
Homura and Madoka come individually and for now, I will be reviewing this version of Homura today. I also have the asleep God version of Madoka and the awake version of School Uniform Homura which I will review at a later date as I have not unboxed those two yet. 
Homura comes in a plastic with two separate sections. One side contains the base and the other is the main figure. Note that the figure and base have no pegs to connect hence the figure is not secure on it. Due to the nature of the figure (lying down), it has to be placed flat and hence will take up a lot of space.

I have seen collectors who modified their figures so it's attached to the base, framed and hung on the wall. I have not done such modifications yet but I intend to when I have more time and materials on hand.
The base is extremely simple and is in a dull color to suit the dark tones of Devil Homura. This color scheme also contrasts well against Madoka's milky white base, creating this yin-yang spectrum that shows the difference between Homura and Madoka. The wing pattern on the base as well as the similar wing shape of the base are representations of Devil Homura.

Sadly, when you place Devil Homura on it, the whole pattern is covered up (image below).
This is a tiny figure but I like it because it represents a lot of differences between Homura and Madoka. However, them holding hands in this form also serves to show their self-sacrificial mindset where they gave their all for each other throughout the entire series.
Of course, as this is a prize figure, there are a lot of flaws. However, there are plenty of amazing points about this figure. The first part which I want to point out is the flow of Homura's dress, cascading down to the base. Her stockings are also accurate with the height and pattern, but loses out with the painting.

There are quite a few painting errors where the paint spills from one diamond pattern to the next. The straps of the shoes up her ankles also have paint spills.
Homura's hair also has it's own level of dynamism. Though it isn't as detailed on the level of a scale, it has a lot of individual pieces which help create the feel that she is really lying down.  Having the hair on the base as such also helps to reveal the pattern of the dress on her back which isn't very obvious in the series itself.
The dress looks extremely skin-tight, however I am unsure if the patterns at the back are really as such. The paintwork of the straps at her back are much more intricately and precisely painted than the straps on her ankles and on her upper arm.
The parts where Homura's figure meets the base are all made flat so that she can lie flat on the base. This makes it look hilarious when you view the figure from the bottom but I think it's a very nice touch that Banpresto still added details to it, such as the layers of her hair and dress.
Despite all the praises I mentioned, I do hope that the ends of her dress layers can be sharper as that would make the figure look more detailed and intricate. 
Lastly, Homura's face and ribbon. The ribbon is a very nice touch and I like how it isn't just laying flat on her hair. Homura's eyes are very bright and the artwork for the eye decals closely resembles the series' depiction.

I love the serene smile on her face as it really captures Homura's personality as well as all her sacrifices and insecurities when she became a Devil.

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