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There's a Persona for Everyone

Hey hey hey! It's Nana だよ~ How's it going everyone! I'm in a pretty chipper mood today from all the Tokyo Game Show announcements! I'll leave my thoughts on that in another post, maybe when it's over on the 24th. Today, I'm gonna be talking about Persona!

This is pretty overdue (as most of my posts are to be honest...๑→‿←๑) but oh well, I thought I'd share them anyway since all the announcements at TGS so far has made me excited for them all over again! And yes! There is definitely something for everyone~ Read on!

1. Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5 Dancing Star Night

New outfits!!!
You saw that right! Two of them!! After the rousing success of P4Dan, we get the spin-off rhythm game that's not necessarily what we want nor need, but highly welcomed anyway! So far, only one PV each has been released, showcasing a few characters getting their dancing shoes on. If their predecessor is any indication, we can hopefully look forward to a full playable main cast. These two games will be available on both PS Vita and PS4 in Spring'18! Frankly, I do have my doubts. After all, rhythm games do get repetitive, what's more two of them from the same franchise with what looks like the same formula being released at the same time...

2. Persona Q2

Meanwhile, for 3DS players, there will be an exclusive spin-off, Persona Q2! It is heavily hinted to be based off P5, as you can see from the top hat, the flaming mask, and the quote.The first Persona Q had strong sales and positive reviews, and I can see Q2 being the same! Definitely excited for more news! ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽

3. Persona 5 Anime

You can steal my heart (๑♡⌓♡๑)
Not a video gamer? Well, now you can look forward to enjoying the story without countless hours of smashing shadows, because the P5 anime is officially slated for 2018! If you've watched Persona 5 The Day Breakers, I'm sure you already know what is to be expected. Personally, I loved the quality of the P5 trailer as well; I really hope to see such gorgeous animation at work when the anime comes out!

What are you looking forward to?

Written by Nana

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