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CharaExpo 2017: Takeaways From The Last Day

If there was one thing that I didn't mind at all about last week's CharaExpo 2017 at Suntec Singapore, that would be...gosh, you know what? Maybe I should just start from the time where I had met up with fellow writer Zwei and our founder Max. It was a little past 11am, and a considerable crowd had long scattered across the halls. So we finally went inside, and almost immediately a few things had caught my eyes.

Unfortunately, I can't draw to save myself from everyday embarrassment. I don't know about the prospects of drawing manga and producing anime here, but there has to be a market big enough to contain our future creators upon their graduation from such courses. I would say go learn the language before anything else!

We had a little fun with Eren Titan over here! With such a massive proportion, it was hard to miss him anyway! Sorry for the somewhat unflattering shot though. I had to avoid all that knocking, blocking, pushing, knocking, blocking, pushing...you get the idea, don't you? But Max had managed to take a wonderful shot of this big guy! Moving on...

I was telling Zwei and Max about the discounted merchandise at La Tendo (Otaku Tachi also had stuff that were going cheap) while trying to navigate through the growing crowd. Yeah, no kidding! The figurines were selling for as low as $10, and stuff like acrylic keychains and such were going for $5 a piece! Not bad of a discovery on the last day, eh?

If I had a money tree, I wouldn't hesitate to sweep almost everything that I had laid my eyes on. Well, I saw a few people stacking up boxes of figurines at the checkout counter. For a second, I was envious. But the thought of swinging them around for the rest of the day wasn't what I had in mind, though if they were smaller like keychains, towels or pouches I would be more than willing.

The biggest highlight of CharaExpo 2017 had to be the tournaments, as the tables and such took up a lot of space in the halls. I was surprised that we had actually finished walking around the premises within a relatively short span of time! Max had sat down for a while with some players. I didn't want to be anywhere too close to the madness, hence I only had a glimpse or two of the games.

Another highlight of the event was the BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! that had attracted many youngsters lining up for the games. There was a mini competition or something going on, and amid the fancy sights and music I saw the guitars used by some of the characters in the series. I am not much of a gamer, but frankly I was quite tempted to download the game.

Even though we didn't stay for long (we were out of there by lunchtime), there were still some things to take away from the last day. Max was right when he said that I would probably enjoy CharaExpo more, despite its smaller scale. By the way, as we were among the first 5000 attendees of the event, we had each received a goodie bag with a very nice plastic folder! I really liked the mascot. She had this merlion mask stuck to the side of her head! Kawaii!!! <3

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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