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「Book Review」Angel Beats! Illustration Collection

Tenshi is practically the face of Angel Beats! and illustration books make a point to remind their fans of it. I have a friend who is very interested in Angel Beats! and got this book on our trip to Japan. I had the opportunity to take a look at it after it was unwrapped and here's a breakdown of what it contains.
Firstly, there is a plastic sheet inside that has illustrations on both sides, as seen in the image above and below. If you are an avid fan of Tenshi, you might not want to miss out having her on the plastic and on the book cover as well! I love these small extras that come with the book because I can keep them separately in a place where I am more likely to see them rather than on my bookshelf.
Here's how the content page looks. We see a lot of the SSS crests all over and frankly, it does bring back some fond memories for me.
As this is an illustration book, it contains illustrations as the very first section of the book. As you can see below, illustrations do not only contain the main few characters, though the focus is on them. The difference in art styles as you will see in the following few images suggests that this is a book made from collecting illustrations from various artists.

 And next up is...
 "I won't ever forget about this production called Angel Beats!"
The book finishes off by its characteristic humor again, with Tenshi acting super out-of-character as compared to her meek, rather apathetic personality on-screen for the most of the series. In addition, it also contains a note from Aniplex, which (in my opinion) makes this book all the more precious!

Chibi of the production cast?
~ Reina-rin

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