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A Letter To Miwa Haruka

Dear Haruka,

Ogenki desuka? I hope this letter doesn't come across as startling, though I believe you certainly have no lack of love and admiration everywhere. I think writing letters isn't so common anymore, since technology has long consumed humans with its ever increasing upgrades. I wonder if there are still others who yearn for that hint of simplicity like the good old days? Speaking of which, I hear that you work in a farm! How is that for a tranquil life? I kind of like the idea of barnyard animals running across the fields, except that calling them back would be a hassle!

More importantly, you are the mascot for Milkcananime. How befitting! You know, cows and milk and...well, just about everything in here comes around pretty nicely. Gosh, you are a tall one, aren't you? Hey, you should consider taking part in some competition! I don't know if you have heard, but recently there has been some revival of a swimsuit competition though it isn't going too well to say the least! Have you done modelling? Those legs would make a great advertisement for fried chicken wings...I mean, milk...never mind.

So, you are going to turn 21 in a few months! Has adulthood changed much of your life? Well, I would think the farm is a little too peaceful most of the time for a youngster! Do you go on a big trip somewhere? I think an adventure would be awesome, especially when you have the luxury of time and such on your side! Hmm, I wonder if cows are allowed to travel with people? Not by air, of course! 

Oh, before I sign off...I have a little confession to make. Do you know you are actually on a t-shirt? Yeah, I wear that from time to time. It is super comfortable...the t-shirt I mean. It also represents something else much bigger. Anyway, thank you for being who you are! Moo...

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪
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