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Kodomo no Hi: Adelaide

Welcome back my nuggets! 

Children's day in Japan is celebrated annually on 5th May, and is part of the Golden Week. However, being in Adelaide means that the best we can do is to hold it on the first Sunday of May, which was on the 7th May this year. 

There were mostly food stalls, although there are several selling some trinkets and other misc items. There were also many activity stalls, some calligraphy, a yukata dressing booth.. Think along the lines of SG's Natsu Matsuri, but aimed more for children. 

There were martial art displays, flower displays, mochi pounding display, and also a maid cafe! Aren't the flower arrangements real pretty!!

The space was quite large, so considering the crowd, it still didn't feel that cramped. That's the maid cafe in the back! 

There was even a booth selling some anime merch and wigs! It was pretty popular, the items were sold out relatively fast!


the kid was so excited
It's really more of a day to just let loose and relax, although I'll have to say that it was cold as balls and I had to double up my heat tech and wear another sweater and jacket over. It is almost winter here in Adelaide anyway, running in the low double digits. I'm really not for cold weather. 

I'll leave you with the pictures I accidentally took in portrait mode ):

Nerd out!

Written by: ninetylives

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