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Natsu Matsuri... in Melbourne!

Hi everyone! It's Nana here! As you might know, Australia has summer in the early months of the year instead of the middle of the year. I had just landed when my friend told me: There's Natsu Matsuri! Even though it was already super late (think 5pm), I decided I should check it out! Although the space was big, the actual stalls didn't take up much space while crowd was immense.

There were several Japanese stalls, including this kimono one and a ceramics ones. Unfortunately, many were closed by the time I reached (●︿●)

There were however, a small handful cosplayers still there! Cosplaying in this weather definitely requires a lot of determination. It seems like Love Live is quite popular too as I saw Love Live cosplayers on the way home!

There was also a stage, however the events for the day had likely ended as it was quite quiet.

This was one of my favourite cosplayers of the day!

Even though it was nearing closing time, the food area was still very crowded!

My friend and I ended things off with some grilled skewers!

I definitely wish I could have gone earlier! However, I still prefer Singapore's Natsu Matsuri! There are more games and a bigger variety of food in Singapore, plus more people attend the festival in their yukata, which definitely improves the atmosphere!

That being said, since Singapore's bigger events usually takes place in the middle of the year or later, it is nice to go to a large scale festival right off the bat! Now, I'm off to find out when the next event is, see you round!

Written by Nana

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