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Catching up - Facing fears, Power Rangers and KamiNomi...

March had been an eventful month. 

I had a chance to face my fears of heights by going rock-climbing. Surprisingly, I managed to control it the more I climb. Though it took me a while to trust the harness and the safety rope. 

I mean jumping off from a height while attached to a single rope isn’t what one would think to be safe. But it definitely was a fun experience.

I also went back to my polytechnic to watch a few shortfilms done by the batch after mine. I wouldn’t really call them my juniors as I’ve never really interacted with them. I never really bothered to open up or reach out to them as I’m not really a sociable or outgoing person. And I still am. I still do shy away from conversing with new people. Being pushed to meet my friends’ boyfriend was very awkward for me. Keeping a normal face in front of them was super difficult. It’s like meeting face to face with my sister’s boyfriend. Well, not that she has one. Does she?

I also went to watch the Hollywood adaptation of a series that’s famous and quintessential in most of our childhood. I expected to be disappointed watching Power Rangers in the theatre and yes, I was. Making power rangers more adult-like put me off a bit as it kind of ruins the world that it has long build up from the numerous number of seasons that had been airing. And what was Optimus Prime doing in it? It oddly resembles him. I kind of expected they would stay close to how the megazord looks like but only the horns were familiar. But it was just cringey and cheeky as it was in the series. 

The design on the suit was really cool and seeing the zords brings back memories of both power rangers and the super sentai series. And that tease at the end was just cute. Disappointing as it was, it was still enjoyable to watch.

I decided to watch Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai again and it reminded me on why I love this series. 

The songs, though it is in engrish, it’s enjoyable. Watching the different arcs of the different heroines kept pulling me in and I soon realised I’ve reached the end of the series. I continued on by reading the manga again and then realised it has only been a day since I began KamiNomi and had already finished it. Once again, I went into this turmoil with my emotions as I finished a satisfying series. The first conquest with Ayumi, Tenri’s arc, followed by the beginning of the goddess arc with Kanon, 

the emotional scene of “Memories of My First Love” and the events that led up to it (Oh how my heart shattered to a million pieces when that happened), finding about a certain teacher’s identity, once again my glued-up heart was pounded to dust as the revelation of Tenri’s years of unrequited love and the heart-wrenching letter appeared (It hurts so much. Typing this while listening to the 8 minutes opening doesn’t really help as I break down the more I continue on) and finally reading the last few pages of the final chapter lifted my spirits (even though it’s weighed down by Ayumi and Tenri). I am also happy for Elsie as she gets to be with Keima as a family. It was incredibly enjoyable. I would read through the series again and again and will still enjoy it as much as I do now and then. I would really love to see another season of KamiNomi with its final arc. 

So, till that day arrives, I’ll just hope and pray it does so before I’m gone.

Mata ne~

Written by Zwei


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