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Yumeiro Cast: "My Last Lonely Christmas" No-Ranking Event!

No-Ranking event on Yumecast gives a UR instead of SR to the players who participate in the event. As for myself, I joined the game near the beginning of this event and joined in immediately, anxious to get my hands on another UR. 
Though, like most event cards (even from other game), the event UR cards have slightly lower stats than normal UR. However, do note that they still have better stats than SRs and are definitely beneficial to acquire!

This event consists of the song "Saigo no Ronrii Kurisumasu" otherwise translated to "(My) Last Lonely Christmas". For this event, there is a single song, but in 7 different versions, sung by the seven different cast members. Each version has 4 difficulties (Easy, Normal, Hard, and Expert). Furthermore, each difficulty has 4 parts to it as seen in the images below (Part A, Part B, Part C, Full). The AP needed for Parts A to C are each a third of the Full version. 

Most of them also come with a Dream Stone for S score, giving a whopping total of 112 Dream Stones to be acquired solely through playing the event songs! Not to mention those on the normal sides or other special songs available then~

This is extremely useful as beginners had their own Beginner scout, which would give you a guaranteed UR of your own choice after your third round of scouting. I cannot remember the exact number of Dream Stones needed for this, but it is about 300 gems...?

In any case, I scouted in the scout and amazingly I got a UR in every scout! In the first round, you were supposed to scout 5 cards at a discounted rate and lo and behold, I got the beginner Kaito UR! In the second round, you were then asked to scout 10 cards at a discounted rate and from that I got the beginner Kaito UR again! And that means... an idolisation!

For the third round with the guaranteed UR of my choice, I decided to choose Sousei and his masquerade version as that is my best idolised version in the initial set. I regretted slightly about not choosing Kyouya's Flag March UR instead, but I managed to secure a second copy of him for idolisation and later even got him to star idolisation! (Read more about star idolisation here)

So... my only regret now is not being able to idolise Sousei.
After the beginner's scout, I went on to scout in the event box instead. There were 2 event boxes, one with Subaru's UR and one with Jin's UR. I scouted in the the side of the box with Subaru's UR as I didn't notice Jin's side until later.

What's good about event cards are that event SRs and URs would boost your event points gained per song. Each UR would boost by +0.50 while each SR would boost by +0.15. The maximum boost is +2.00 only.

For this scout above, I got a 2 UR and 2 SR scout, of which the 2SR (Sousei) can be idolised. Of the 2 UR, the one above in red (Subaru) is the event Christmas UR while the one below (Jin) isn't. Hence, this ensures that I get a +0.50 boost in the event.

I scouted again in the same box (Subaru) later and managed to get Subaru's UR again (yay, idolisation!) and a copy of Kyoya's Christmas UR. This brings my event points boost to +1.15 before the addition of the event UR from the event point reward, which will give another +0.50 to a total of +1.65.

Unsure of what I'm saying? Let's look at the event point reward UR then~ 
This is the UR Fujinuma Iori. There are 3 copies of him from the reward, of which I only managed to get a single copy as the second and third copies are at about 5 to 10 times higher in event point requirement and it was impossible for me to get it with my level at that time.

Perhaps I can do it now? One can only dream!

~ Reina-rin

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