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Love Live!! School Idol Festival (EN): Event wrap-up and scouts -- Kanan/Mari Score Match

Back to the Aqours side of event, we have Kanan and Mari this time, dressed in diving suits before idolisation and tracksuits after. Frankly speaking, neither of the cards particularly interest me design-wise, but it's Mari and that means "grind for the event".

And so here I am!
First day into the event and grinding starts almost immediately, not instantly because I was still in the midst of dinner. By midnight, I finally grinded up till 25725 points and gotten my very first copy of Kanan which was at 25000 points.
However, due to my late start in this event (from 9pm onward), it was inevitable that I wouldn't end very high up on the tier board. 315 is a good number to end up with on the first day and knowing myself, I am aiming for 100k-odd points (3 copies of Kanan SR) and Tier 2 (2 copies of Mari), hence there was no need to grind that hard either.
First copy GET!

The second copy of Kanan SR is at 60000 points, which was a goal for me to accomplish within 2 days of this event. I don't usually grind that much but I was expecting  a holiday in early Jan and to make up for the lack of time I would be facing for the last 3 days of the event, I had to start grinding hard and early.

Rank 373 Mi-Na-Mi~
Second day and at 60k points. This is finally the time to stop grinding and start relaxing while preparing for my holiday.

The points also gradually increased over the course of the event but never did sway much from the predicted cutoffs. Tier 1 ended off at 140969 points; Tier 2 at 85630 and Tier 3 at 45646 points. The predicted cut-offs on Reddit tallied close for Tier 1 but Tier 2 was off by a fraction, being initially at 96k instead.

That being said, this event is probably one of the less taxing Aqours event so far, coming close to how the first Aqours event on EN was : Chika/Riko. This might be because the outfits for the cards can be considered rather lackluster... to me at least?

What I considered to be one of the craziest Aqours event on EN so far would be the Tanabata Ruby/Dia event where Tier 2 ended up slightly over 100k! Noting the characters and their supposed popularity, I'm wondering if the upcoming Yohane/Ruby Token Event might rival the Tanabata event.

Returning to the current event, here are the idolised cards for Mari and Kanan respectively. They are in their image colors of purple and green for this outfit and their skills are relatively normal for event cards -- nothing too special there. However, do note that Kanan's stats is so low that it might not be optimal to keep her in your collection unless you intend to collect the or her cards.

As I sold Kanan for seals before I had a chance to screenshot her, here are Mari's stats at level 80 and not bonded. She's of relatively good stats for an event card so you might want to idolise her if you do have her and are in need of Aqours cards for that additional 10% boost!

~ Reina-rin

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