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Figure Review: Nishikino Maki Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki (SEGA)

For the review today, I have the best girl of the majority with me, Maki! Maki has been winning numerous polls since Love Live started and she's definitely one of the most popular, if not the most.

Similar to Eli's base, she comes with a matching white hexagonal base with the words printed in red instead since that fits her image color, The compact base really saves a lot of space and with the shape, you can set her right beside Eli and have them all looking like they are on stage!

Posing and Assembly

Maki's pose is elegant and ladylike, and it feels like she is hiding a little of her embarrassment and happiness. It suits her and brings out her personality, and I think this sculpt easily recreates this particular illustration of her in 3D.

Assembly is just putting the main figure onto the white base, nothing more and nothing less!

Sculpting and Painting
Maki's outfit is done very nicely. Her hat is point-on and the ribbon to its side has a sense of motion and that is a very important feature for idol figure. And of course, the motion doesn't only end there, Her skirt also has that feel with all the ruffles riffling out.

I particularly like the frills around her collar and how the black ribbon there sits on it. Not to mention, the way her abdomen is showed through the attire, with the fabric lifted just because of how her thighs are placed.

The first thing that struck my mind is: This skirt is too short...

Setting that aside, I like the clean paint of the two black lines doing downward on her outfit towards the skirt. It's always a nice thing to find clean details on prize figures!
I really like the thigh sculpt on this line of figures! They are all so slim and shapely~
The sculpt of Maki's hair is done well and the way it flares out at the end brings out her unique hairstyle. The red color of her hair is the correct shade as well.

The vibrant reds on the other parts of her outfit brings her to life, and they are all done well with no paint spills at all on my copy! The cuffs at her wrist are slightly damaged though. Still, not a big issue as you can't see that from the front of the figure.

I really do enjoy this series of prize figures and if you haven't collected enough figures of your best girl, I recommend checking out this line, no matter who is it that you like!

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