The old saying 'One thing leads to another' takes pride in its long-lived effect on this unexplainable universe where increasingly strange phenomena lurk around our surroundings day and night. Supernatural sightings and monsters continue to be reported in mass media, sending worrying vibes and triggering major divisions among the people. The world seems to be getting closer to its end, yet amid the chaos and confusion, the glaring glimpse of hope towards the future still wanders somewhere.In Japan, Professor Banba Sousuke had abruptly cut his lecture upon discovering a news feed online which claimed the sighting of a mysterious monster. Banba is a monster freak, for the lack of a more appropriate term. His untimely disappearance is apparently common, as his assistant had easily derived her own conclusion when she couldn't find him in his office. Naturally, Banba would often apologise meekly over the phone though there isn't really much that he could make up for. His eagerness to find any remote hints of a monster's presence would slowly unveil as the perspective changes to that of an unfortunate incident.
Through an eerily dense jungle, a young man had been running frantically for his dear life. He was part of a little video crew that had ventured into a remote island which was supposedly out of bounds. The team wanted to dispel rumours and criticisms that were against the existence of monsters. The men decided to take on the responsibility of proving to everybody else that there were indeed sightings of strange creatures. Besides, there was also the price of fame attached to their actions. However, they had failed to consider the consequences.
Before his own unfortunate demise, the young man was able to witness through the video camera the dangerous beast which had also taken the lives of his other friends. Though rather blurry due to his inability to see anything clearly without his glasses, a faint silhouette could be felt through the little frame. The young man tried to escape, but his attempt was easily hindered by his substantial loss of sight. He missed a step and fell, but the impact was cushioned by the low tide. He had landed by the shore, the exact location where the team had been trying to film the video before.
This time, there was nowhere else to escape. A piercing scream echoed through the jungle, implying the end of everything. Eventually, Banba reached the remote island, though it wasn't made known just how much time had passed since the incident. A broken video camera laid on the ground, but before Banba could get hold of it, a throbbing pain from the left side of his forehead stopped him in his tracks.
This is Kagewani, or Shadow Crocodile.
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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