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Animangaki Gijinka Cosplay Competition 2016

AniManGaki 2016 proudly presents a brand new competition - AniManGaki Gijinka Cosplay Competition! This competition aims to promote innovation & creativity, simultaneously introducing the concept of "Gijinka".

"Gijinka", in short, is a fan re-design of a subject matter in a human form (i.e. humanisation / personification). The theme for AniManGaki 2016 Gijinka Cosplay Competition is Street Food.


The most creative and eye capturing costume will stand a chance to grab the following awesome prizes:

Grand Prize
Cash & goodies worth RM1,200+

1st Runner Up
Cash & goodies worth RM1,000+

2nd Runner Up
Cash & goodies worth RM800+

Take part and show us what you are capable of!

  • This competition is open to all regardless of nationality.
  • Both solo and group entries are allowed, with a maximum of 2 members per group. Each entry allows a maximum of 2 cosplayer participants on stage for judging purposes and crowd appeal. Stage helpers are not allowed in this competition.
  • No participant can submit more than one entry in this competition.
  • Participants entering the competition will go through the following process:
    • Registration
    • Submission of references
    • Stage performance
         Non-compliance would result in disqualification.

  • All costumes must be creations based on the given theme and unpublished beforehand (including non-participation in other similar competitions).
  • By entering the competition, participants have consented by default that AniManGaki reserves the right to use participants' images for publication and promotional purposes.
  • AniManGaki reserves the right to disqualify anyone who is deemed unsuitable for the competition, and judges' decisions are final. Have fun!


  • To enter the competition:
    • Please complete the registration form with required details, and
    • Submit a photo & brief description of your chosen street food, and
    • Submit your design sketch(es) including an explanation of your central idea of the design. You are highly encouraged to submit the sketch in .jpg/.png format (total file size not exceeding 10MB).
         Should you encounter any submission difficulty, please email here.

  • Registration officially ends on 31.07.2016 at 11.59PM (GMT+8) or when all 12* slots are taken, whichever earlier. Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis. *Subject to change
  • Every submission is final; please ensure all details provided are complete & accurate. Incomplete & inaccurate submissions will be disqualified.
  • An acknowledgement email will be sent to you within one week of registration submission, confirming your participation in the competition. 


  • Once you have received the acknowledgement email, you have until 20.08.2016 at 11.59PM (GMT+8) to submit photos of your completed costume and props. Please email us with the subject title "AMG Gijinka - Your Name".
  • Photos of the completed costume and props must be submitted with colour. Your costume will not be judged based on the submitted photos.


  • All confirmed participants will directly advance into the finals which will be held on AniManGaki Day 1, i.e. 27.08.2016 (Saturday).
  • All confirmed participants are required to prepare one simple stage performance (e.g. catwalk, character intro etc.) for not less than 1 minute and not exceeding 3 minutes.
  • Upon performing, all confirmed participants are subject to a Q&A session conducted by the judging panel.
  • Should you require the usage of audio files for your performance, please email us the audio files latest by 20.08.2016, together with your submission of references.
  • Please bring your audio files in a pendrive/CD on competition day for backup purposes.


Design concept and creativity
Execution complexity
Costume (including props, if any)
Stage performance

 Written by Max

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