Pso2: Hybrid Class Bouncer and Summoner
So we have reached the two newest classes in PSO2, Bouncer and Summoner. Bouncer has a very strange name, but the weapons are interesting. And Bouncer is probably the only class than rely on both weapons equipped at the same time.
If you have ever played Namco's Soul Calibur, you will remember the undead pirate Cervantes, who used to wield Soul Edge. And Dual Blades is essentially his weapons, right down to his stance.
Now the Nemesis series is already very good aesthetically. But the dual blades are really very well textured. They look like white wings. A collector's items.
Jet boots is not really what I expected. Most of them are huge. Look at this.
The lightning effect is exclusive to the pair. But the boots are really enormous. Boots have PAs that can cover a huge area, great for handling mobs.

Aika, in the anime, is the most iconic Summoner known to fans. Her pet Rappy is actually a game exclusive. Summoner uses a tact, as you can see. Tact is completely useless as a weapon, as the attack is always 1. Instead, their pets fight for them, while they keep out of harm's way. However summoners can permanently boost their stats by pushing their skill tree. And it is quite a huge gain too. More on skill trees and pets later.
So that ends Bouncer and Summoner. Next: the magic users.
Written by Don
Written by Don

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