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Nanoblocks Tutorial 07 - Miku Hatsune

This Miku Hatsune nanoblocks is one good-looking set from Loz. Ninetylives had bought the Miku Hatsune set as well from Kawada and QCF. However, there are differences in the Miku's look whether it is in her hair or the base in which she stands. Perhaps the greatest difference is the amount of details paid by Loz in the outline of Miku from the base to the hair. For example, instead of the usual "stud" appearance caused by each individual block, Loz has triangular smooth tapered blocks to streamline the appearance. Thus the "stud" look is minimized and much details is being emphasized. Let's get down to this tutorial with 390 pieces.
A standard package containing over 390 pieces, a base and a good quality instruction sheet.
It is always good to separate the different colours so that you can pick up the different blocks easily.
There are so unusual pieces but such pieces provide a lot of details to the figure.
 Step one begins...
 Building Miku's pretty face.
 Now, moving onto her iconic hair.
 Moving onto her torso...
 Combining her head and torso together...
Actually I thought I would encounter roadblocks building Miku after my difficult experience of building Astroboy from Loz. They feature many unusual blocks which slowed me down a bit. So, I was quite surprised that building Miku was such a breeze. In my opinion, Astroboy had a difficulty level of 5/5 while Miku was 2/5.
 Now moving onto the base.
There are a lot of transparent blue and white blocks. Building the base is pretty straight forward.
 There is the microphone for Miku to sing.
 The "stud" look as seen from here...
 ...then covered by the smooth blocks.
 Miku is completed with a lot of spares left.
As perfect as she looks, there are some imperfections because I was short of a few pieces. For example, there should be a slimmer blue stand for the microphone. I search in vain for that piece but I had learnt to improvise when it comes to this hobby. Thus I took a few reds and fashioned it. Other than that, I am very pleased with the overall quality.
See you in my next Nanoblocks Tutorial.

Written by Max

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