Nanoblocks Tutorial 04 - Panda
This week, I am building the nanoblocks of Panda from Boyu. The size is about twice that of the previous Shiba that I had completed. As the Panda is inherently black and white, this is not a colourful figure. So let's get started.There are over 110 pieces. One can complete building it in less than an hour.
Lotsa of black and white nanoblocks.
I separated the black and white to make it easier to find the right pieces. Shiba is curious by what I am doing.
Step one begins...
The base is often the hardest part of building because the miniscule blocks move about when the second layer is stacked upon them. So it helps if you start with one that "seals" the most parts together first.
Once I seal the long white onto the first layer, it becomes easier to build on the rest.
It took me while to figure out that there is supposed to be a gap on the first layer. See where my screw is pointing. Do not join the white to the black nanoblocks.
Again, notice that there is a gap as mentioned earlier where my tool is pointing.
Keep building and Boyu's blocks click very well.
Reversing the Panda to build on the legs.
Notice the left frontal leg is slightly behind the right front leg? Don't worry, the panda will still stands.
It is completed with some spares. The panda is cute and adorable.
See you in my next Nanoblocks Tutorial.
Written by Max
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