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Snippets: Buy an anime tombstone! And how to make school interesting, otaku style, part one.

As any otaku knows, selling an anime alone will not rake in the dough. The really successful franchises made it from merchandising. From drama cds to posters, figurines, and shirts, the colourful world of anime goods has it all. Or so I thought.

I REALLY did a double take when I saw the picture above. I had to do a prank check to make sure it was not a hoax, or some photoshop fake. Apparently some tombstone maker has decided that it was a good idea to carve out a Love Live tombstone! And a REALLY good one too!

His skills are not in doubt. Look at this beautiful bottle of his. And its not alone.

This guy made an entire set! I'm not a fan and even I could see how this will easily catch on. One wonders how many of the hardcore guys will really order that tombstone, no matter how morbid.

Unless you are a complete nerd, school is BORING. And you probably look like this most of the time. So trust the otaku to make it interesting. 

I will start with non-anime stuff first. These guys are good.

And you thought gun culture was violent enough already.

Iron men to the rescue!

Even Optimus Prime has to wait in line for the train to pass

Feel the power of the dark side! And that ends part one. There are too many to cover in one take. Watch this space for lots more

Written by Don

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