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Sailormoon Nanoblocks

Lately, I have taken a fancy on building nanoblocks/microblocks. These are essentially Lego pieces that comes in tiny sizes. Companies such as Kawada named its products as nanoblocks while others may named it differently. Today I shall show you guys the steps in building the microblocks for Sailormoon. I prefer to buy nanoblocks from Kawada as it is a Japanese company and its quality is unquestionable. However, given the endless line of anime/Sanrio/Disney/others characters that you can possibly think of, Kawada will not be able to produce them all in our generation. I presume China companies like Boyu saw the gap and came out with characters such as Sailormoon which I am very pleased to buy. The box is not too shabby and the quality is rather good.

Let the unboxing begins...

The box measures 7.5cm x 7.5cm x 7.5cm. This provides ample protection to the fragile little pieces of Sailormoon.

There is a little round window on one of the sides. I believe it serves as a fancy way to showcase the colourful pieces inside. Actually I found out later that the hole is useful for me to put in the extra pieces back into the box. It says the height is only 5mm. I am half-clueless as in how tall is 5mm but I get it....it's slimmer than the latest Apple phone...okay.

Love the colours! Especially Blue and Yellow. My favourite colours.

The instruction sheet is big and colourful. It is clear and easy to follow.

Sorting out the pieces into different types.

Step one begins...

When you refer to the instruction sheet, follow the colours given but ignore the colours of the completed stack. They will "grey out" what was presumably completed. Do not be confused by that.

In about 15mins, I have built Sailormoon's torso. At this point, I have a sense of the quality of Boyu's microblocks. Apart from the beautiful colours, there is a "tactile" feel when I stack one block over another. It has a firm and a somewhat "click" feel to it. It urges one to continue building to satisfy that clicking feel...

Now her legs...

and her face...

Along the way, I had made some mistake. The advantage of Boyu microblocks is that they stack very well on top of one another and I can hardly see gaps in between. (Read about how Ninetylives wrote about the gaps in Miku nanoblocks). The disadvantage, therefore is that it poses a challenge to remove the stack if you have build incorrectly. What you can do is to buy a box of mini screw drivers with small tips at just around $4 in those Good-Value shops. Since the tip is so much slimmer than my human fingers, you can easily place it in between the blocks and pry them apart. Plus, it makes you look so much professional and it gives a subtle message to your mum not to disturb you while you are "working" on your blocks.

Sailormoon has bluish-transparent eyes. I appreciate the manufacturer's attention to details.

 Bird's eye view of her head...

Her hair is done...

 Time to join the head onto the body like "Pacific Rim".

The finished microblocks of Sailormoon. Absolutely stunning! There is a yellow base for her to stand (that's thoughtful). I have accomplished building it in about 2 hours.

There are some spare pieces left at the end of it. Along the way, I realise there are 1-3 pieces missing from the pack. However I substituted with that particular piece with other colours. The quality check is not perfect but this is easily forgiven as I understand that there 190 pieces and all of them are so tiny. The error accounts for less than one percent and I can accept that. The quality (hardly any gaps), colours and feel of Boyu's microblocks makes up for the error. It was a delight for me to spend a couple of hours building it. If you haven't try building one, you should because it keeps stress away.

Sailormoon Goodies Stamps - Feel free to copy-and-paste

Written by Max

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