March: The Beginnings
This is it, another month has hit the imaginary door. Welcome to March, if it holds any special meaning in your heart. Even if it doesn't, hopefully there is still a little pleasant surprise or two waiting for good cheer. Oh, and a happy belated birthday to those born on the 29th of February. I think that it still remains rather fashionable (in a good way of course) to have a birthday cake once every four years. Personally, I don't know anybody with a leap year birthday though it would be kind of cool to fuss over the occasion. Anyway, there are a few things lying around which have caught my fancy. Here is my start for March.
I would like to shout out my congratulations to those who sat for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) in December last year, and have cleared theirs with flying colours or in my case, just a little beyond the borderline. The certificates will be available for collection beginning next week, so remember to make a trip down to the Japanese Cultural Society for that hard-earned recognition. I might be preparing for the next in line, either in July or December. A couple of classmates would be sitting for it. Consideration and decision. Anybody else going for it again?
I haven't been travelling for a while (a while could mean just about anytime these days), but it is still quite therapeutic to discover that travel fairs are popping up to usher in the new season which is Spring. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms and more cherry blossoms. Of course, you could also look past the Hanami and concentrate on binging. If given the opportunity, I would really rather eat and drink myself silly. Even though I would like to believe that I still retain a small amount of patience necessary for certain things, apparently the reality says otherwise. Nonetheless, I'm still envious of people who have already had that experience. Naturally, I mean the binging.
A classmate will be sprinting this coming Sunday with Luffy and gang at the One Piece Run Singapore. The language school has been advertising the event, but I have no idea just how many students have actually signed up for this. Running isn't one of my strengths, and it will never be. Although it would be interesting to see iconic characters from a cult anime slash manga series, the entire purpose is still about the run and trying not to collapse and become a potential candidate for the front page news. Even after so many years, I'm still not completely acquainted with One Piece. Luffy, Luffy and Luffy. No kidding.
I have managed to catch up a little on my manga reading in the midst of all the bits and pieces. Yeah, and I bought some new titles as well. Aren't we all too familiar with that guilt? But it is important to read, no matter how painfully slow the process might become. Since it is impossible to prevent many books from entering one's field of vision, the best way to take relief is to either buy them on the spot or pretend they never existed in the first place. Of course, the latter would result in pretty grave consequences which might in turn evolve into something else more unthinkable than what most people would think. Feeling confused? No worries.
So here you go, the beginning of March. Time has indeed passed us by quickly, and the first quarter of the year will soon be over. Right now, I'm craving for some chocolates and frozen yogurt. That is random I know, but that is also how life is sometimes. Hopefully, the month ahead continues to sprinkle a little more fun and joy for all of us.
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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