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Gate, and the BEST Rory Mercury cosplay ever!

The criticism of the anime industry continues this month, with Japan considering making visas easier for foreigners who want to work as animators in Japan, since the working conditions are so bad fresh blood is not showing up. Otakus are also bemoaning the death of creativity, with so many come and go adaptations of light novels every season that no one seems to be able to come up with an original story anymore. But Gate, already into season two, is not one of them.

Gate is one of the biggest anime right now. Gate is essentially about a portal linking to the world of fantasy. Think Tolkien meets modern day and you will get the story immediately. Controversial too. Already Korea, as with all affairs concerning the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, are saying this is glorifying the troops of Japan, which is somewhat justified, but then what is even more preposterous are the other interdimensional titles where we are supposed to believe untrained civilians can fight monsters all on their own. Compared to those, Gate's story is far more believable. The army is sent to explore dangerous unknown territory, and an odd party forms to travel this new land. 

One of the most popular characters is Rory Mercury. Sexy and murderous, she is an immortal (961 years old!) apostle of a god of war, and already, the online community is already doing tons of fanart and cosplay.

Several cosplayers have tried to portray her. But this chinese cosplayer Maki is the best. Her album is free to view, so I have attached the whole set! Enjoy!

Written by Don

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