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Dragonquest Builders: The Minecraft of Japan

Humans just love to build things no? The popularity of your humble Lego blocks all around the world, to building block games such as the Sims, building things seem to cut across all races, age groups,  gender and culture.

This Mount Rushmore in Minecraft is one of the more well known monuments players have built. Certainly no easy feat. Minecraft is perhaps the most popular building game to date. Now there is a Top 10 Minecraft monument list, but this article isn't really about that. You can google the images if you are interested.

In steps Dragonquest Builders. The Dragonquest franchise spans decades. It is older than even the Final Fantasy Series, and while it is not so big in the west, it is THE rpg in Japan. Three generations in the same family could be fans.

Already people are starting to build fantastic structures in game, even though the game was just released recently. Some of them are imitations of actual real life stuff. Others are game and anime characters. 

Now as it is early days, there isn't much impressive stuff yet . It is all quite crude and rudimentary at this point as players experiment and improve. But I do hope grab some really good stuff months later and do a part two. Watch this space people.

Written by Don

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