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Aria ~Aqua Ritmo: After-Event Promotions 03

To All,

I'm back with another update for Aria ~ Aqua Ritmo. Somehow, I'm still very engrossed in this game, and succeeded in tiering within the top 500 for the previous event and this one. I would have loved to tier in the very first event as well, but unfortunately, I haven't received notice about the game at that time yet.

Aria ~ Aqua Ritmo is one of the rhythm games that still remains rather generous to their players, though it does certainly feel like they are getting out of that stage of "attracting players" already and moving on to the next stage of providing a better interface for players to enjoy themselves in.

After the end of the event (with the event notice being the bottom right panel), there were several more mini-events that were announced. Firstly, let's start with the scouts.

In Aria, there are nine girls of which each of them has a gacha entitled specifically to them on their birthdays (top left panel) -- a feature Love Live! desperately needs. In that gacha, all the SR and UR would be solely of that girl alone. Unfortunately, you would be able to get Rs of the other 8 girls as well ;A; But in any case, don't you think that that would be such an amazing idea since you'll be able to get at least 1 guaranteed SR of your favorite girl! In fact, I think that that would possibly be the most motivational and beneficial way to get people to spend on gems to scout since what's better bait than your waifu?!
The top right panel is also regarding scouts. However, they are the consolidation of the new cards that appeared in birthday scouts of the girls before the start of this event. From the left of the very first row, the three girls are Aika, Akari and Alice. Something about that middle-school Alice's hairstyle draws me in. Perhaps it's because she doesn't really wear her hair like that in most of the anime except when she's shown going to school?

The bottom left panel is the main point of this article! The STEP-UP CAMPAIGN!
There are three separate events occurring simultaneously for this campaign.

Firstly, there is the "Login Campaign". For the first half of it, which runs from 12th March to 14th March, Harvest (the company making this game) is giving out free SR cards for the juniors (Ai, Azusa and Anya) based on the different companies they are in. Ai-chan is in Aria company, hence you will be able to use Aria-shachou as one of her cards. Azusa, on the other hand is from Himeya, hence only Hime-shachou can be equipped as one of her five cards. Lastly, Anya, being from Orange Planet means that Maa-shachou can be used as one of her cards.

Ai-chan and Aria-shachou:
Azusa and Hime-shachou:
Anya and Maa-shachou:
For the second login campaign, all players who logged in from 15th to 17th March will receive a scouting ticket every day. This is in preparation for the next event!

In case there's anyone reading this who isn't familiar with Aqua Ritmo's events, they usually release an Event card set. Each event card added into your team would help boost the amount of event points acquired from each song, and possibly even the number of tokens you acquire! Of course, Rs would boost the least while URs would boost the most.

So... if you are interested in playing Aqua Ritmo's events like I am, perhaps it'll be wise to keep your aqua stones (gems for scouting) for the new scout before the events!

Secondly, there is also a concurrent "STEP-UP" event, where all players in the system could possibly get an Aika UR if the total number of plays for all players hit a whopping 500,000. During this campaign, the stamina required to play each song would be halved! For a better visualization of this, I have included a picture!

10,000 plays: 1000 gold (for leveling cards)
50,000 plays: 1 scouting ticket
100,000 plays: 5000 friend points (which can be used to restore stamina to play more songs or to buy costumes to dress your characters up in)
150,000 plays: 1 scouting ticket
250,000 plays: 10 Aqua stones
300,000 plays: 1 scouting ticket
400,000 plays: 20 Aqua stones
450,000 plays: 1 scouting ticket
500,000 plays: 1 Aika UR card

This screencap was taken quite some time back. The last time I checked today, there were approximately 313,000 plays. With only 2.5 more days to go to the end of this campaign, I wonder if we'll really make it in time for the Aika UR...

Lastly, we also have the "Okaeri campaign" which is roughly translated into the "welcome home campaign", which just sounds so awkwardly misplaced in English, but let's ignore that for now.

The Okaeri campaign would be giving out a free UR ticket to those who missed the free UR ticket the first time round. To be eligible for this campaign, you must satisfy two categories. Firstly, you must have logged in at least once before 9th March and secondly, have not logged in for at least 20 days in a row.

Sadly, this free UR ticket doesn't seem to be available for players who have acquired the first UR ticket from the similar event released just a little while ago. However, players who are eligible for this campaign are also eligible for the Step-Up campaign, so do feel free to play more songs!

Actually, please do! I really do want to get that Aika UR >A<!

And lastly to all those who would be getting that the free UR ticket and be scouting for possibly the first UR ever on your account, all the best and may the RNG gods smile upon you!

From Your Fellow Gamer,

Written by Reina-rin

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