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Walkr! Galaxy Adventure in your pocket!

From building A to MRT station, I have walked about 758 steps. Walking to an office, going out for a lunch and walking home set me about 6000 to 7000 steps per day. According to a health website, it indicates that walking 10,000 steps daily is considered healthy. In Singapore, walking up to 3,000 steps per day is very common. People do not care much on how many steps they walk every day. Some companies introduce programs that bring monetary benefits if you are able to clock a certain amount of steps monthly. It entices me to participate in their program in a way but it gets bored after a week. I will get a $5 voucher if I am able to hit 60,000 steps per week. Also, I chanced upon another interesting app.
I manage to find out about this app 2 months ago while browsing through the iTune store for the latest games and applications. I am thrilled with this gamification when it could entice me to walk home for 10 minutes every day instead of taking a bus. I shall introduce you this application which might change your lifestyle!
At the moment, this app works on iPhone device only. It might be confusing at first for this but as you get along, it will get better. This app will tracks how many steps you walk every day and it will convert them into energy points. If you have an iWatch, you will get a double point for the energy.
There are few terms that you need to familiarize yourself with  Planet, DFR, Energy, and Chompr
You will be given a planet Earth, a common chompr and a little bit of money.
Chompr is basically your rocket which flies around the planets and helps you in delivering an item.
DFR is a space station that generates food for your hungry planet. (YES! your planet needs food to give you money or their source to complete a mission)
Once you have built your DFR, you can proceed to discover a new planet. The objective of this application is to complete the planet list. There are around 83 planets as far as I  know in the game. Searching for a planet or building a DFR take time. You can boost it by speeding up the time with your energy point.
As you can see from my game screenshot, this planet takes more than 1 day to be discovered. More money is needed as you level up. For every successful planet, you will obtain a satellite. Think of this as your add-on for your planet. It will either increase your planet productivity or reduce the food consumption. For example, a bamboo satellite is suitable for a panda planet. If the satellite does not match with it, it will not bring any additional bonus.
Allow me to explain each of this menu on the above. This game interface is not user-friendly. There are 9 buttons available on the menu page.

Mission: Fulfilled the objective by getting enough produced item from certain key planet to earn a reward. (Cubes)
Factory: This is where you can choose your rocket or chompr. Each rocket has different capacity and speed. You can unlock different type of chomprs by doing its quest or purchase with coins or cubes.
Ranking: Very straightforward, competing with your friends in term of total planets and population.(Population is a term use for a planet's villagers)
Walkrdex: Something like Pokedex where you are able to view each planet in detail
Energy Log: Steps taken daily
Bridge: This is a very interesting function where you request your friends to be your co-pilot. They will share their energy point with you in 50%, 30% or 20% based on your selection. As I mentioned previously user who is using iWatch will get double of their energy points whereas the rest will get as per normal according to their individual phone tracker.
Shop: Buying cubes with real cash
MessageMessage: Random text from villagers
Epic: Adventures which you are able to play with your friends or others by contributing energy, coins and food. Rewards will be split accordingly to the percentage of your contribution. One epic takes about two to three days for a basic mission for 2 players. This is one way to earn coins fast.  

There are more than 30 chomprs in this galaxy! Most popular chompr will be this Corgi which is unlocked upon achieving 20,000 steps. You will need to travel around Singapore in order to have this for sure!

Images below are taken from search engine:
It is also available in different languages.
An epic adventure where you can join other or create a room for your friends.

Although this can't be categorised as a game but it makes your time worthwhile. You can add me in this app too! Are you convinced enough to play this game? 

I will see you in outer space now!

Written by SnoringSeal

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