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Oshiete! Galko-chan

Hello readers. The Lunar New Year festivities are nearing to an end in a matter of days. There are still tubs, containers and packets of snacks left unopened (nobody really comes around visiting these days) and soft drinks uncapped. I think that my folks believe the notion that excess is good, or something which is similar to that saying. In the past, we would probably clean out most of the pantry within the first few days. Oh well, times have already changed too much for anybody to even begin wondering about how times have changed. In the midst of all that dragging about, I had actually forgotten to buy myself some chocolate for Valentine's Day. I was too caught up with anime and manga though the degree of variation was still quite small.

Anyway, there is a particular series which I can't believe that I have overlooked so conveniently. Luckily, I have managed to redeem myself by sitting through the broadcasted episodes so far. Yeah, as somewhat expected each episode is short though not as short as those which I had written about previously. This one is a little over seven minutes per episode. I believe that many readers are awfully aware of Oshiete! Galko-chan. Yeah, it is the one with an unbelievably voluptuous girl fronting virtually every inch of what her physically intimidating presence could take up, while her best friends look over. Well, let's just say that appreciating this series has readily triggered the dormant ends of my imagination. Naturally, the humour is vivid and definitely sends stitches in the stomach.

With that said however, those who are not that receptive to sexual humour which easily stretches across different grades (many are frankly thrown right on the face) might wish to tread carefully over this one. I would think that it is mostly refreshing more than offensive though, as the main characters are simply behaving like what many typical teenagers going through puberty would among their classmates and friends. Discussions on boys, girls, intimate stuff like undergarments, the nether region, blah blah blah. I was a little taken aback at first by the general air of nonchalance coming from those characters, until the rushes kicked in and I found myself unable to control my laughter. Thankfully, I have been watching the show on my computer.

Interestingly, nearly all the characters don't go by their first or last names, and what each of them is called is pretty much reflective of their physical appearance. Galko is a strikingly beautiful and sexy blonde who is easily the centre of attention in class. Despite her somewhat sharp tongue, she is basically good-natured and friendly with a passion in cooking. Also, she is actually extremely innocent and gets embarrassed quickly when it comes to certain intimate issues. Otako is one of Galko's best friends. She wears glasses and has a petite frame. For some reason, she gets along very well with Galko (yeah, the introduction of the anime has emphasised this for some reason). Otako sits at the corner of the class. She enjoys teasing Galko. Ojou comes from a well-to-do family, is well-mannered and athletic. She joins in Galko and Otako's conversations frequently and becomes their friend. But Ojou is mostly an airhead.

Oshiete! Galko-chan is adapted from the titular manga series drawn by Suzuki Kenya. Currently, two volumes have been released by Kadokawa with a third being set for 22nd of February 2016. I'm definitely following the manga as well since it makes an essential companion alongside the anime which is too short to be indulged in fully. It is also ideal for lazy afternoons and rainy days! I'm looking forward to the next episode!

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪   


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