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February: Manga! Manga! Manga!

Hello readers, did anybody have a good Valentine's Day? I'm just asking though. For once, that river was strangely unromantic despite the crossing of hormonal lovers as dusk set in. A Caucasian man ran past the slow-moving night with a stalk of rose clutched in one hand. There was no sight of anybody selling flowers, thankfully. A not-so-loving couple sat a few tables across mine while I was having dinner and they squabbled about the utter lack of sparks. That should be easy. Just get a bunch of sparklers and start a fire somewhere. An acquaintance had posted online that even the most basic of gestures counts. Valentine's Day is simply another overhyped occasion. I was glad to be in the company of manga. I felt a lot more relaxed that way.

I bought manga as well, before and on Valentine's Day. Nope, my purchases had nothing to do with retail therapy. I needed those books anyway. Nutrition of the mind and soul is highly regarded, whether it is in accordance with societal standards or otherwise. Yeah, manga is essential to my well-being. I mean, many titles are honestly very reflective of what people might be missing in their daily lives. For instance, food is really important. While people still eat, to a lot of us the idea of food has long blurred in our minds. With the increasing demand (I should think so) of such stories, it isn't surprising to see a considerable handful of new books featuring mouth-watering dishes.  

Speaking of which, I had my eyes on this interesting book cover (believe in the power of book covers!) bearing the title Misoshiru de Kanpai! Kanpai is what people shout when making a toast, which is the Japanese equivalent of 'Cheers!'. Naturally, I was intrigued by the idea of using miso soup instead of alcoholic beverages, even though the context here is far different from drinking and such. Miso soup is part of the Japanese staple diet. I fancy a nice, warm bowl of miso soup myself. Of course, my impression of miso soup has never quite moved beyond a certain point. The synopsis at the back introduces this book as a heartful miso manga. A tagline reads: Breakfast that is made by somebody isn't only for filling the stomach, but the heart as well.

Another title that I had further drained my wallet for is the second volume of Ani to Otouto Log or Brother Log (yeah it is singular) by Mizumachi. After quite a lengthy wait, this brand new offering has hit the shelves with a more vibrant feel. I still have no idea what to label it as. Strictly speaking, Ani to Otouto Log doesn't fit into the common description of a manga. However, calling it an illustration book is kind of strange as well. Never mind. The most important thing is to indulge and enjoy every bit of this cute, therapeutic, cute, therapeutic, cute...well, you get the idea now. Oh yeah, it is also necessary to drop by your favourite bookstore every now and then! I saw Ani to Otouto Log 2 in the early afternoon of Valentine's Day.

Currently, I'm in the midst of alternating between a few titles. Yeah, it is actually a lot more fun and interesting this way. I keep surprising myself when it comes to reading. The rushes are there to spur me on, and I'm thankful for the capacity which sometimes I feel can be quite limited. Nonetheless, I don't give myself pressure anymore to complete any book within a time frame. After all, reading is supposed to be fun, not daunting. Unless it is such a groundbreaking story which absolutely commands every second of my attention. Well, I still have those days. Manga remains an indispensable part of my life! I love it. I read it. Of course, I buy it.

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪  


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