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Mangaka Spirits Wall-of-Fame January 2016

Wall-of-Fame January 2016

"Mangaka Spirits" (Manga + Ka = A person who draws manga) captures the spirit of sketching, drawing and all forms of artwork by ordinary people. In this Wall-of-Fame, we feature the artworks of aspiring artists all over the world. Through their works, we hope to find inspiration in the things we do and hopefully unite as to a common purpose.

Mangaka 16 : Zenon164164 (Tumblr)
Artwork : Santa Levi
Art materials: Pencil, fineliner pens, color markers ...
Age : NA
School : NA
Favorite anime: Gintama
Hobbies: I love chibi characters so I draw a lot of chibi fanarts. Quote ~"Don't give up drawing"
Country : Malaysia

Mangaka 17 : Rai Mi
Art materials: Pencil/pen and paper. "I'll probably get to digital soon if I can save up and get a better laptop."
Age : 24
Favorite anime: Shaman King
Hobbies: "I like gaming, usually on my PS4 and sometimes on PC for MMORPGs like Dragon Nest and Tera."
Country : Singapore


Mangaka 18 : Catherine P. (Pozapple)
Artwork : Haikyuu
Art materials: Sakura Pigma Micron markers on paper and (digitally) Paint Tool SAI...
Age : 17
Favorite anime: Shingeki no Kyojin, One Punch Man and Haikyuu
Hobbies : Drawing
Quote : "Whether drawing is a hobby or an obligation, you should always enjoy when you're making art!"
Country : Indonesia

 Stop here

Mangaka 19 : Yvette Siscon Bagares (Repeat)
Artwork : Killua
School : Gordon College Olongapo...
Course : BS Computer Science
Hobbies: Playing Dota 2
Country : Philippines

Mangaka 20 : Lola (Atelier Momoni)
Artwork : Sailormoon
Materials : Traditional media, paper, pencils, markers totally in love with Copic...
School : University in Valencia
Course : Fan Art, Fashion and Design
Favourite Anime : Sailormoon and Shojo type
Hobbies: I love bjd (ball jointed dolls) and collect them. Have created my own artist dolls, sew for them and whatever you can imagine~
Country : Spain
Website : http://ateliermomoni.tumblr.com/

Mangaka 21 : Alain Schlicklin
Age : 31 years
Course : Studied foreign languages - German and English...
Work : Translator
Artwork : Precure ;Cure Melody
Favorite Materials : Regular Pencils
Favourite Anime : Precure Metaseries
Hobbies: Traveling, learning about Japanese culture and reading
Country : France
Account : https://plus.google.com/111625388194426472345

Mangaka 22 : Dan Tiu (Repeat)
Age : 18 years
Course : Mass Communication
Artwork : Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Materials : Color pencils and Acrylic paint
Favourite Animes : One Punch Man and Shingeki no Kyojin
Hobbies: I like drawing and reading fictional books like the Harry Potter series and the Percy Jackson series
Country : Philippines

You may contact any Mangakas through their personal account for any tips or advice.

"Mangaka Spirits" is approved by our mascot Yushiko, an initiative brought to you by Milkcananime. Please submit your artwork via pm to our Facebook. Only approved artwork of reasonable calibre may be featured in our Facebook and Mangaka Spirits Wall-of-Fame.

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