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Good day readers. It is already the beginning of another month, and probably the second most anticipated month. Yeah, I have heard bits and pieces of some Christmas party in the works. There are people who take their Christmas celebrations seriously, like very seriously till the point of madness. I have never worried about the year-end stuff. The whole process is relatively simple: If I get invited to one of those parties, I evaluate my genuine interest and prepare something for the gift exchange if I eventually express a willingness to attend. Anyway, I saw a few Christmas trees which were already put up outside several shopping malls. Well, they are still mostly work in progress. The Christmas music should be up pretty soon too. 

What is new in November? I wish that I could provide some fancy, colourful answers to that. Well, if anybody is planning to pop by Sentosa (who pops by Sentosa anyway? Just humour me!), on the 14th of November there is SUUPAA JAPAN held at Wavehouse Sentosa. Quite unfortunately, I'm not familiar with any of the featured guests. Apparently, there is a one-day pass for those who have all the energy in this world to spare. While that looks really inviting, I need to take into consideration that I'm no longer some high-on-sugar, jumpy (or whatever people call it) youngster on the loose. I don't intend to consult a chiropractor every now and then. In other words, I will pass. Have fun for those who are going.

I have been sampling several interesting manga which I hope to share with all readers. I'm no longer too bothered about the increasing number of books in my room. There is unlikely any effective method to curb this situation. Yeah, I did buy some new books lately but I find it tough to ignore the glaring fact that there may be a particular title somewhere which is meant for my eyes. Okay, that sounds a little wrong but any like-minded reader should be able to relate to that feeling. Anyway, one of the titles that I have sampled and became intrigued by is Hakaijuu. It really blew my mind and some other things (?).

The inner jukebox has become really rusty despite an active playlist. Well, it has been looping old songs for as long as I can remember. I suppose that there is always an off-peak for a lot of things. While there isn't a lack of content out there, finding what truly connects to the mind and soul is ironically challenging during certain periods of time. Solely loving music isn't seemingly adequate. There has to be something way deeper. Anyway, I have resumed digging the trenches for sparkling gems. Hopefully, this time would be something different.  

Oh yeah, there is also the Anime Festival Asia which will happen over three days towards the end of November: 27th, 28th and 29th. I was very privileged to have attended last year, and despite the heavy claustrophobia and such, I had still managed to take away my good share of eye-opening experiences. I wonder if there would be karaoke again this time.

Have a wonderful month ahead!

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪  


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