Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
The ever fascinating and unbelievably possible universe of short, sweet anime series over the course of...recent months even though this trend (?) might have started way before somebody else's time, continues to grace unsuspecting and known minds alike. Just when anybody thinks that a particular show looks interesting and proceeds to sample the first episode, the painfully short duration pushes their anticipation off the edge, rendering the first impression quite unattainable. I mean, other than being short and sweet, any hint of new vocabulary has belong become extinct.Anyway, there is no shortage (pun absolutely intended) of such efforts as my curiosity continues to be rewarded with similar findings which make me wonder if I would ever get this lucky when buying the lotto. Come to think of it, the probability factor has wasted no time in driving some people crazy, me grudgingly included. This season has revealed pretty much a generous offering, despite the ones that I have chosen to watch feel like a bunch of extended trailers. Recently, I fell victim to Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note.
Supposedly, the franchise is targeted at children with an amazingly consistent output of novels since its debut in early 2011. Currently, there are 19 books in the main series. An interesting thing worth noting is that each of the titles ends with the phrase 'shitteiru' which simply means 'knowing'. First on the list is surprisingly a missing bicycle. Oh, if anybody hadn't noticed already, the genre is essentially mystery.
The anime adaptation premiered on October 7th. The first two episodes follow the first novel in the main series, which is the missing bicycle. A random comment online remarks that the nine-minute time frame feels like a dip in the gravy. I would think so too. Why can't the animators just piece the entire picture together? Honestly, this would probably fare better if it were a film adaptation. Anyway, before the missing bicycle hits another raw nerve, let's meet the team of detectives.
The only girl in the group is Tachibana Aya. She is a sixth grader who considers herself awkwardly different from girls her age. As she is unable to interact on the same frequency with the rest of her classmates, Aya prefers to maintain a distance from them. One day, she meets four boys from the elite organisation KZ - Wakatake Kazuomi, Kuroki Takakazu, Uesugi Kazunori and Kozuka Kazuhiko. A twist of fate brings them together as a detective team. The trigger is the missing bicycle.
Because the episodes are painfully short, as mentioned earlier there is unlikely any other way to fluff up the series a little more. I would probably want to consider the novels, just so that I could quickly get the missing bicycle out of my mind. Then again, a novel takes quite a while to read. The myth about children's novels being short and sweet is non-existent. Maybe I should just contain my patience for a little longer.
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪

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