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Coopow Drawing Competition

Calling all talented artists to draw in the Coopow (Comic & Manga Design) Competition 2015 and win prizes. Competition will run from 1 September 2015 and ends on 8 January 2016, at 6pm.

In partnership between SNCF (Singapore National Co-operative Federation) and Milkcananime, we are pleased to give away a total of 13 prizes to all winners locally and internationally. Online Vouchers will be presented to international winners.

About Coopow!

Coopow is a competition crafted to unleash the creativity and imagination of the public and youths stemming from co-operatives values. For this year, the competition has branched out to both Local and International.

To celebrate 90 years of co-operative history, a total of six co-op stories are selected. The stories portray how they started due to a social need and how the co-ops aid to curb these social needs, bringing a better world to the society.

How do you participate in the competition?

Participants will have to choose one co-op story out of the five to illustrate and present in a visual format. They are :
A) The Love Story
B) Running Blind
C) A Mummy's Love
D) Love, Sugar, Milk
E) The Shining Star
Come illustrate and learn more about Singapore’s co-operative movement with us! Example is shown here:

What is this SNCF organisation?

Well, just think of this welfare family with a BIG heart that co-operates with others within Singapore.

Submission Criteria

Min 1 page, 2 sides.
Max 5 pages, 4 sides
A4 layout
Unlimited number of panels per page

Online submission:

- Full colour or Black & White
- Final Artwork in PDF
- Script, if there is caption or conversation
- Captions or talk bubbles are allowed but not required

The winners will be determined by a panel of judges.
Each participant can submit up to 3 entries.

Regardless of the number of entries submitted by the participant, he/she will only stand to win one prize.

Entries must be the sole, original and unpublished work of the participant. SNCF or its partners will not be responsible for any copyright breach, plagiarism or legal infringement.

Any entry that contains or implies pornographic, slanderous, obscene or vulgar content will be disqualified immediately.

The organisers reserve the rights to not award any prizes to any entries that are deemed inappropriate and/or irrelevant in content to the competition theme.

The organisers reserve the rights not to award or to amend the number of awards for each of the categories.

The judges' decision is final and no correspondence pertaining to the judging and short listing process will be entertained.

Please visit the
Coopow official page for more information and to submit your artwork.

Written by Max
Step out of the Otaku Closet



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