Hello readers, a new month has started. Welcome to September, when some things are about to happen; they may or may not affect you, unless you are a little like me: the mind would rather focus on others. A little more than three months till Christmas, which would probably conjure its own set of idiosyncrasies. Anyway, if you are from and in Singapore, major events await. Yeah, I think that we all know what I'm referring to. Wait, you don't? Well, imagine that you are caught in the midst of colours, loud activities, cheering, screaming, crying (?), here and there, odds and ends, blah blah blah, yeah so do you know what I'm talking about now?The Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention, otherwise known as STGCC! What have you been thinking? The two-day event will open on the 12th and 13th of September, at Sands Expo Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands. I'm usually prone to being overwhelmed by something like this, and not necessarily in a flattering way especially when different thoughts and such begin to clash with one another inside my head. Nonetheless, I will be there this year, and hopefully I return in one piece. Pun absolutely not intended, although I adore Luffy.
If any reader could recall, or is vaguely familiar, I attended the STGCC last September which marked my first visit ever in my entire life. I wouldn't be honest with myself if I hadn't ranted bits and pieces, but yeah I did appreciate the time, exposure and experience there. I bought some really cute badges from Secret Garden, and candy. I wonder what the feeling would be like this time. Nope, I don't want to think that aging has got anything to do with the clashing stuff in my brains. Well, maybe that is a natural process anyway. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the event!
In other areas, let's see...yeah, I bought new manga recently. Don't ask me just how many books that I have left unwrapped, untouched, unread, un...never mind. If you have already read my letter to Wakako, may I reiterate that it would be more fulfilling to follow the manga as well, since those two-minute episodes just don't do the series much justice. The fifth tankoubon is the latest release, on 18th July 2015. Waaaa, Wakako joins the list of solitary diners who constantly redefine the joy and fun of eating and drinking. I have yet to open the first volume, but I hope it would be anytime soon! Okay, I'm just hungry!
Speaking of food, I have stumbled upon some delicious-looking, matcha-flavoured a magazine. Nope, I didn't taste any of that; I have never tasted anything like that in my entire life, and I'm so tempted...well, not really. As this is strictly my personal opinion, I shall not reveal what brand of mooncakes that is - the matcha-flavoured mooncakes are [insert inappropriate word here] expensive per piece. Gosh, I wish that I could have some if there were some affordable alternative. Okay, I know that I'm such a matcha freak. There is always my matcha latte fix in any situation, though not quite the same as wolfing down a matcha-flavoured mooncake. Seriously, I'm beyond hopeless.
Any readers registering for year-end's Japanese Language Proficiency Test? I submitted mine just yesterday. A few of us from Japanese class will be sitting for it together! Three months to the big day. Then again, why am I even counting down at this time?
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪
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