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Unboxing Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts Vol.2 by Square Enix

I had bought this set of Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts Figures by Square Enix many years back but it was shelved away in a cabinet besides my bed. Today I shall unbox them and show you how beautiful these figures are. For the KH Formation Arts, there are two versions : Coloured and Monotone and I have purchased the monotone ones.

The six figures are :
  • 07. Cloud in his original Kingdom Hearts gear, wielding the Buster Sword on top of some damaged pieces of Olympus Coliseum. Available in both styles. Cloud is a white knight.
  • 08. Kairi on the dock at Destiny Islands, surrounded by palm trees and with a Paopu Fruit in her lap. Available in both styles. Kairi is the white queen.
  • 09. Goofy with the Knight's Shield atop a stylized spire in Traverse Town, complete with Tinker Bell windvane. Goofy is a white knight.
  • 10. Oogie Boogie, surrounded by the dangerous toys and tricks from his lair in Halloween Town. Oogie is a black rook.
  • 11. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and his Guardian, cupped in Darkside's hands. Ansem is the black king.
  • 12. Jafar, atop a pile of treasure from the Cave of Wonders and Genie, holding Genie's lamp and Iago. Jafar is a black knight.
Here goes the unboxing...
 I started with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and his Guardian. I'm not familiar with this character. I thought it was Sephiroth and the "satanic" figure behind seems cool.

 It wasn't easy fixing the "satanic" figure behind Ansem. The base kept detaching itself. I wish everything clicks like Lego or Nanoblocks.
 After some struggle, I have fixed Ansem. To think that I had spent 30 mins just assembling this, I had thoughts of putting all the figures back into their boxes.
 Next box....Jafar figure.

 I am supposed to stick a sword into a hole...
 Jafar completed.
 Close-up view.
 Up next, Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas.
 I love the three bats hanging upside-down.
 This platform looks like an Alien Spaceship.
 Oogie Boogie, please don't topple...
 Next up, Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. There was some mistake here. The manufacturer had mistakenly packed two pieces of Kairi.

 Assembling the tree on the small island.

 Kairi sits nicely on a small island. At this point, my mind drifts to Phuket, island of sun, sand and sea which I shall visit this September...
I'll be fixing Goofy next. At this point, I have found my momentum and confidence.
 Oops, wrong direction.
 Yeah, this should be how Goofy's bum is.

 The last box belongs to Cloud from Final Fantasy. One of my favourite!
 Thank God, Cloud wasn't difficult to fix as there were only a few parts.

 Completed, Cloud looks so cool with his buster sword in this posture.
Ta-da.....I feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment assembling all the Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts Figures. You cannot see in here but Ansem kept dropping. I have to gingerly move him very slowly to keep him still. The monotone design has a classy and retro look.

I rearrange their position and took another shot.
Having completed the assembly, I shall display them inside my glass shelves as dust will quickly settle on them. Do you like Kingdom Hearts? Who is your favourite here?
Written by Max

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3 comments to ''Unboxing Kingdom Hearts Formation Arts Vol.2 by Square Enix"

  1. i just purchased this used and i am wondering if this mark is something to worry about. old post i see but any replies would be appreciated..



    1. not saying its by human error but just curious if anyone has something similar looking on their figure.

  2. I think given the nature of this kind of figures, a little mark is something that I can overlook and not fret about. =)
