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Spring Playlist '15

We are now halfway through this season’s airing and to each one of us; we have our own list of anime to watch or maybe plan to watch for those who are waiting patiently for the series to finish airing, having to be wary of spoilers popping up on social media or through conversations with your friends. Lucky for me, I don't have to worry about that, as I don’t have friends… Welp…

Anyways, as this is a thing I have been doing for every season, I decided to make it a regular routine of mine to pick out my favourites and sharing my opinions with you guys, the readers. Maybe we might have similar preferences. Maybe we opposed each other. We all have our own interests, which helps the community to grow as we express and share our opinions. And since I am getting off tangent, I will use this as segue to get back on topic.

I have picked out my top ten songs that I’ve listened to over the weeks from my list of anime that I am watching this season. I have thought long and hard about my choices (or maybe not) and have decided on these ten.

First is the opening song for Etotama, “Retry Rendevous” by Murakawa Rie. The song has a funky beat, which really matches with the anime and the especially the character Nyaa-tan. It’s very fun song to listen to when you’re running or jogging to the rhythm of the song. Well, I blast the song when I was running in an event a few weeks ago. You just WANT to jog to the rhythm of the song.

Next is the opening for the Unlimited Budget Works’ second season, “Brave Shine” by Aimer. 

The Sun... It's too bright!
The song feels very emotional to listen to even though the music is quite heavy. I keep swaying my head to the drums and can’t help but tapping my fingers to the rhythm. The song also kinds of reminds me of One Ok Rock’s “NO SCARED” that was used in Black Rock Shooter The Game.

Following that is Grisaia no Rakuen’s opening, “Setsuna no Kajitsu” by Maon Kurosaki. I fell in love with her voice ever since she sang the ending songs for Highschool of the Dead. I just love how the beat changes pace from the beginning to the chorus and the end. It makes me feel like adrenaline is coursing through my veins. I really like this song.

Next is an anime that reminds me of K-On! Hibike! Euphonium with its ending, “Tutti!” by Tomoyo Kurosawa, Ayaka Asai, Moe Toyota and Chika Anzai. 

Let's go for a ride!
I really like how the trumpets sound in the song. It sort of sounds a bit jazzy to me at some parts. The energy in the song is quite overwhelming as I find myself not being able to catch up with it well. I salute those high-energy individuals!

Next is the second top of my playlist for this season. Kekkai Sensen’s ending, “Sugar Song and Bitter Step” by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN. It starts of quite slow and it eventually picks up speed until it reaches a moderate pace. 

It's party time!
It’s easy on the ears and quite a relaxing song to listen to during bus rides and during rainy weather, the songs makes it feel like you could push those rain clouds far away. But there are parts of the song that makes me remember about the sad scenes in the ending’s visual. Oh, and I really like the visuals for the ending, especially when White steps on the white flowers and blood came out. 

I absolutely love this scene! It's just so beautiful!
It just looks beautiful with its contrasting colours. A must to listen to this season as well as to watch for its colours.

The next song just brings back memories. “Furefure Mirai” by Hokko Bungei-bu Onagokai from Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu opening. Being able to identify lyrics and parts of songs from Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu two seasons makes it feel like a game. The song is also catchy and the beat of the song makes you want to jump to the rhythm.

Next is Plastic Memories with its opening, “Ring of Fortune”. 

The song is slow and its suits a rainy bus ride home, the same with Kekkai Sensen’s. You can feel the emotions portrayed in the song as at times it makes you feel sad and then it brings up your spirits. It’s like bringing you on an adventure. I can maybe sleep listening to the song as it makes me feel quite relaxed.

This song… Really just amaze me… Sung by Shokotan ♥ Denpagumi, the opening for Punchline!, “Punch Line!” 

Ore, Sanjou!
This song is just fun to listen to. The pace changes quickly. The song is upbeat. The lyrics is just amazing… I can’t help but bounce up and down on my seat. It could also act as a good song to jog to. The song feels interactive to the listeners. Just wonderful…

My top song for this season is from an anime that I have been waiting for ever since it was announced in the manga. I present to you, Shokugeki no Soma’s ending, “Spice” by Tokyo Karankoron. The song has a nice pace, it’s easy on the ears, a wonderful singer accompanies it and the tune is just catchy. I mean, Soma and Erina were humming to the tune in the latest episode. I just can’t help but repeat the song again and again and again and again after each episode finishes. 

*Drools at both the food and the plot...
Adding to that, it’s about food! Who doesn’t love food! Now I am just waiting patiently at the edge of my seat for the album to be release. Come on June 10th… I am waiting… Just one more week to go…


The final on my list is a last minute change with Owari no Seraph ending, “X.U.”  by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]: Gemie. From Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku, “Harumodoki” by Nagi Yanagi. The song has an easygoing pace and is gentle on the ears, even with it being heavy on the drums. I had a hard time choosing between the opening or the ending as both are lovely to listen to but I really prefer Nagi Yanagi’s voice.

And following all that is my recommendations for this season. As usual there are quite a few I’ve chosen. Here it is…

Hello Kiniro Mosaic ED - My Best Friends by Rhodanthe*
Houkago no Pleaides OP - Stella-rium by Kano
Kekkai Sensen OP - Hello, world! by Bump of Chicken
Nisekoi: OP - Rally Go Round by LiSA
Owari no Seraph OP - X.U. by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]: Gemie
Ore Monogatari OP - Miraikei Answer - TRUSTRICK
Re-Kan ED - Kesalan Patharan by every♥ing
Show By Rock! ED - Have a nice MUSIC!! by Plasmagica
Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki OP - Kishi Shinkoukyou by angela
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Zoku ED - Everyday World by Yukino Yukinoshita & Yui Yuigahama
Yamada-kun no 9nin no Majo OP - Kuchizuke Diamond by WEAVER

Yup… That’s my list for this season. It was quite hard to choose the other top eight as this season’s songs were faring a bit… well… meh… And now, to watch Eureka Seven again. Nostalgic moments ahead…

Mata ne~

Written by Zwei


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