Happy May!
Yoho readers, welcome to a brand new month and a long weekend for most of us here! An ex-classmate is in the midst of touring Europe and quite unfortunately for his clique, Labour Day means no visible shop in operation for the entire day in Switzerland. Well, a holiday is still a working day for a lot of folks, so a big gratitude to them for braving the crowds. I was browsing at Books Kinokuniya for a bit and eventually left with a rather big disappointment. It didn't really occur to me that certain titles would sell like hotcakes. I should simply whack on the spot the next time something catches my fancy. Funnily enough, that mental note seems eerily familiar. Anyway, May is quite an awkward month of sorts. At least when my surroundings are concerned. Nonetheless, a handful of stuff is waiting to be explored and translated into words. Let me just share with all readers my input (in progress) on what would be bubbling in the cauldron for May!First, a godsend that instantaneously brings back a trail of wonderful memories. I have such unwavering admiration and respect for seiyuu (voice actors) that quite a number of entries here are centred on their universe. Readers might have read my declaration of love to Kino Hime and a much belated tribute to 'Seiyuu ka!'. Also, my awe of the versatility of seiyuu in music has found a personal space here. Recently, I have stumbled upon yet another striking gem that brands itself as a seiyuu drama. From mangaka Hirakawa Aya comes the first tankoubon of 'Tenshi to Akuto!!'. Naturally, the seiyuu enthusiast in me wasted no time in grabbing that. More would be revealed once I have processed its goodness! (^^)
Does anybody here worship...uh, love Cardcaptor Sakura? I realised that despite being acquainted with the series for such a long, long time, it is just the anime which I'm familiar with. I'm pretty embarrassed to confess that I've never read the manga in this huge span of time. Well, this year is the 25th anniversary of CLAMP, and the 60th anniversary of Nakayoshi, which is a shoujo manga magazine under Kodansha. Both have teamed up to bring their fans the Nakayoshi 60th Anniversary edition of Cardcaptor Sakura! According to what has been featured so far from CLAMP, four tankoubon volumes have been released. The special edition will have nine volumes in total. Isn't the artwork just beyond description? Oh, that reminds me of my disappointment earlier; I had wanted to buy the books but the first couple of volumes have been completely sold out! (><) Hopefully, the new stock comes in so I would be able to share more in time to come.
My obsession (?) with four-panel manga might just escalate another notch or some if my mind could ever decide promptly on what to add to my collection. I have watched just a little of the first season of 'Kiniro Mosaic'. The stiff but still passable English of the seiyuu portraying Alice, her mother and Karen had me in stitches. I'm considering the manga which is currently in its fifth volume. I understand that the anime is running its second season so I would probably keep a lookout as well. Oh, I came across this cute, little card detailing the latest from mangaka Hara Yui. Apparently, a second anthology had been released, and the 27th of May and June will see two more publications. Okay, does anybody else find that little information card kawaii? (^^)
I can't wait to dig up more gems from the trenches (okay somehow that sounds more interesting than merely discoveries?) to show all of you. Meanwhile, have a wonderful long weekend. Happy Labour Day!
Eccentrically Yours.
Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪
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