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Giri Choco

As most if not all of us will know, a certain day falls on this upcoming Saturday. Not wanting to sound overly bitter for no particular reason, I would say that the day frankly doesn't trigger a worldwide 'rabu-rabu' (love-love) frenzy. On the contrary, a few clueless flower girls approach depressingly single men hoping to find last-resort sympathy for their wilting flowers. I would rather stuff my face with chocolates to commemorate yet another year of singlehood. Then again, it would be nice to receive some 'giri choco' - obligation chocolate - for refreshing appeal. For those who haven't had a clue, giri choco is a symbol of gratitude towards male friends, co-workers, classmates, blah blah blah...basically, men with whom the ladies have no romantic feelings for. Yeah, the chocolates are only given on a certain day. The chocolates can be either store-bought or handmade. The males will then reciprocate on White Day, which falls on a month after a certain day. It seems like the ladies would also brood over what sort of giri choco to give their male friends and such for apparent reasons. Hence, there are tons of information available online suggesting a wide variety of chocolates that would make ideal giri choco. Someday, I would love to try them.

A word of caution though, some or all of these chocolates might induce heavy salivation. Just leave the scrolling at home or anywhere else private. I have no idea if the chocolates are available through international waters, but for now I will just let loose the pictures. Anybody needs a bib or something?

10000-Yen Choco (540 yen including tax)
While I'm not sure if it is tactful to express one's gratitude with a glaring ten-thousand yen note, I suppose that on a deeper scale the creative and somewhat symbolic undertone would somehow undermine any hint of distaste from the receiver. "Thank you for everytime! Here, a special bonus!" Just don't ever let the receiver discover the actual cost.

Chocolate in an Energy Drink Bottle - Chocovita! (378 yen including tax)
This would so calm the nerves of the everyday stressed-out co-worker. Besides being a source of energy, chocolate is generally food for therapy. It is a nice way to reward somebody's hard work during break time. The little chocolate beans remind me of those chocolate stones which I used to buy.

Lindt Lindor Truffle Chocolate (price varies according to packaging)
Nope, unfortunately that sweet, smiling bear donning a little heart-shaped pendant isn't part of the chocolates. The truffle chocolates come in five flavours, in particular for the containers. They make light yet effective presents for everyone. A container of 50 chocolates could easily feed a small department or classroom.

Initiation Grands Crus (756 yen including tax)
Apologies, I've never heard of this French chocolate maker in my entire life. However, these little chocolate slabs remind me of something similar that I had as a kid. There are six different types of cacao, each bringing out a unique charm on the tastebuds. I should try having some chocolate with a cup of coffee someday.

Compartes Chocolatier Love Fruits (540 yen including tax)
Now, this is something that I would love to try - seven types of semi-dry fruits have been carefully dipped in chocolate, and their concentrated sweet and sour flavours provide an exquisite balance with the combination of the slightly hardened chocolate. The fruits include: strawberry, mango, melon, pineapple, kiwi, apple and tomato (?). Hmm...

Gosh, while I don't consider myself a chocolate freak, I'm already thinking of what to buy for myself when that certain day arrives. Or if there is anyone who would be kind enough to give me some giri choco...

Eccentrically Yours.

Written by J.Fluffysheep ♪


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