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Merry Cosfest Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! And to some of you, Chirstmas Eve...

Tis’ the season to be jolly. Lalalalala lala la la~

Hope you guys are having a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. One of my friends is in Japan right now with his family. I think he’s in Osaka at the moment. I really envy him. Rich people with their extravagant vacation. Haiz… He’s bringing his 3DS along so he can find Japanese players of ORAS, so if any of you guys are in the vicinity, give him a “NICE”! He goes by the name “Haz”.

If you guys have read my previous post and stayed till the end, you would have an idea as to what this would be about. But if you haven’t then here’s what to expect. On the 20th of December, me and my friend, Noramir, went to Cosfest Christmas at D’Marquee at Downtown East in Singapore (You can check their facebook page here). I am sure you guys know what’s Cosfest right? It’s basically a cosplay festival, thus cosfest. It is an event that is held thrice a year, beginning, middle and end of year at Downtown East, Pasir Ris (unless they decide to change location due to unforeseen circumstances). I didn’t had time to go for the other two events due to school and other responsibilities but since it’s the holidays, I have lots of time to spare (actually three weeks). I remember going to a few of their events is past years which I find to be a bit overwhelming as back then I wasn’t used to the atmosphere so you could imagine how it was for me when I attended my first AFA. Every event is someone’s first (some of you guys might find it similar to something you guys had heard before, so credits goes to the Podtaku team.)

Anyways, back on topic. So we went there late, around 4.15 pm, and prepared our cameras (both are mine…). Lens cap, off. Auto changed to manual. ISO, check. Shutter speed, check. But I forgot to format my card. Delays. I assume there won’t be much of me talking, maybe highlighting some things that happened, but I’ll let the pictures talk. A picture speaks a thousand words, that kind of thing. Or maybe it’s over-exaggerated…?

The entrance...
Well, as soon as we entered, I was stump as I don’t know whom to ask for a picture first (I have little confidence in meeting strangers as I somehow reset myself to how I used to be in the past for every event). So after a few pushes of confidence from my friend, I approached Spiderman. Oh, and credits to my friend, Noramir, as I am also using photos he took (with my camera) as well.

Black Spiderman cosplay

Edward Elric cosplay

Asuka Shin cosplay 

Minami Kotori cosplay

Yoshino and Yoshinon

Kido from Mekaku City Actors and Kirisaki Chitoge from Nisekoi

Ene from Mekaku City Actors

We met my secondary school friend at around this time, which he tagged along.

Kaneki and Touka ghoul form

Kirakishou from Rozen Maiden

I might be wrong but is this Kagura from Gintama?

Shaymin cosplay (both forms) 

Iron Man and Black Spiderman
Deadpool cosplay

Elsa and Anna from Frozen (Not Christmas without them) 

There were some games that were happening in the tent where the emcee invited cosplayers and other people to come on stage to participate.

Deadpool (left) joking around

We then proceed outside.

Female Utas

Jinpachi Toudou cosplay 

Narukami Yu cosplay

Akame final form

A few photoshoots were going on around the area. Here’s 10 seconds of one of it.

Shigure Kai Ni, Teitoku (Admiral) and Yuudachi Kai Ni
We then met Ene from Mekaku City Actors or Kagerou Project and she ask us whether we can take a jump shot of her.
Ene again...

Preparing for the jump shot
1, 2, 3 and ...
Back inside we go!

Aisaka Taiga from Toradora

The emcee invited cosplayers on stage of a group photo as the event was ending for the day.

Half of the cosplayers were up there and the other half scattered throughout the area...

Even if the event was over, we still walk around for more pictures.

Female Monokuma and Male Enoshima Junko
And yes, this pose is a must...
Yui from Angel Beats

Hakurei Reimu cosplay

Shinonono Houki from Infinite Stratos
Yui from SAO
Nishino Maki from Love Live!

Itsuka Kotori from Date A Live and Chitoge (again)

So that was the first day. Most of it was indoors so there was some visible noise (not sound but picture noise) from what I took. Pumping up the ISO hurts a lot, but a little editing should do some salvation.

We begin day 2 a bit late. Not as late as the first day though. I had to attend a wedding, which I use as a warm up for the main event later.

When both my friend and me reach there, the sky was grey. 

I hope and prayed for there to be no rain. PLEASE. I need the sun for lighting. First thing to catch my eye was the Rurouni Keshin cosplays of the cast in the series. Or was it the movie…? Should be the same though.

We then entered the tent.

Psyga from Kamen Rider Faiz 

Kisaragi Jin from Blazblue

Out we go. (That was fast.)

Klein ALO ver.
Kirito ALO ver.

Asuna ALO ver.

Super Sonico Christmas ver.

Luffy from One Piece

Back inside.

GGO and ALO 

It was then when I saw a Hoppo cosplay (Kancolle) and not just any Hoppo cosplay. A Christmas Hoppo cosplay! I ask her to go hom- I mean go outside to take a picture, as both my friend and I don't want to pump up the ISO. (We tried our best to bring cosplayers outside for better lighting, but there were still some that were unavoidable.)


Touka from Tokyo Ghoul

I guess this is Hinata from Naruto?

Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Inside again.

Haruka and Makoto cosplay
Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master

Tsukiyama Shuu from Tokyo Ghoul

Touka in the festive mood...

Sebastian and Ciel

Miku, Kaito and Miku

Out onto the grass.

Takashi Komuro from Highschool of The Dead and .... Hmm...?

This pose... Amazing...

And this is how Noramir looks like when he took it...
Jinora and Korra from Legend of Korra
Red Riding Hood and Alice in Wonderland

Circling the perimeter and ESDEATH! My friend spot her hair and uniform for afar and we hurried to her as we do not want to miss the opportunity like how we did the previous day with a Lubbock cosplayer. By the way how was Akame ga Kill for you guys?


Hasegawa Kobato and Kashiwazaki Sena from Haganai
Misaka Mikoto from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Yup... Again...
Kofuku Ebisu from Noragami

Shiba Tatsuya from Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Into the tent…

Death Gun
Izumi Shinichi from Kiseijuu
Ayuzawa Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

Inori and Luka

Red Rangers!

You guys could guess how this will turn out… Hehe…

This was bound to happen!
Then, another pairing.

Teitoku and Hoppo

This was when a Conga line start to appear. And who was leading this line…? Kaonashi…

Back to snapping cosplayers. Um… I mean snapping pictures of cosplayers.

The conga line got longer, where other cosplayers and attendees join in. I didn’t take many pictures, as there were too many of them in the line. So... a video. In fact two...

Followed, the line out and spot a Miyuki cosplay. (You can see where this is heading…)

Shiba Miyuki from Mahouka

But not yet…

Miyamoto Rei from Highschool of The Dead

The conga line now started to play snake.

Well, here it is…

Back to the tent.

Stephanie Dola from No Game No Life

Rei and Rin cosplay

Stephanie, Shiro and Sora

A group of Kanekis
Shimakaze dancing on stage.

We proceeded out, deciding it was time to leave but only after a few more photos.

Matsuoka Gou and Rin

My friend taking their picture...

Yuzuriha Inori

Hatsune Miku Love is War ver.

So there it was… Cosfest Christmas… And also some time of your Christmas (if you’re reading this on Christmas).

With this, I take my leave as a precious holiday is ticking away.

Again, A Merry Christmas to everyone.

Mata ne~

Written by Zwei


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