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AFA14: So close yet so far...

My parents, my religion, my teachers, anime and manga has taught me that patience is a virtue and one should uphold it in their lives. I do believe its true and it is one way to live one’s life smoothly. Though, one must keep in mind to not mistake it with laziness, as they are both entirely different.





It’s just there, within hands reach but steel bars (days) are guarding it. Just a little bit more… C’mon… Dislocating my shoulder seems like a sacrifice that I’m willing to make. ARGHH!!!! This is so frustrating. Boo to patience! And school while I’m at it.


Moving on, it is here once again, greeting us with its presence and hype in the air. The area around Suntec will once again become crowded with the hustle and bustle of my fellow people. Ah… I can just imagine it. Waiting hours before opening, amusing oneself with games on your portable consoles. Glancing at others passing by you as they make their way towards the back of the line which you could no longer see. Then as the opening time draws closer, the queue or crowd starts chanting- No wait! They start counting down and as the door opens, pushing would occur but at least last year there was order. I remember the previous year before that, you could get in for free as the crowd was too wild for the security too handle. Then as you pass the door, you start to speed up and run towards the first booth on your list of things to buy.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s an event called AFA. Anime Festival Asia-dayo. An annual event that is held in various, and when I say various I mean Malaysia, Indonesia and finally Singapore. The event is held for three days where fans, appreciators, creators and consumers from different race, age and size come together to celebrate one thing they all have in common, which is anime. I remember seeing several families that went there together, some makciks here and there. It’s just surreal to see a hall- no, 5 halls and a concourse level full of people who appreciates the same thing you do. It a wonderful feeling to be in that crowd. The hype, the excitement, the enthusiasm, the happiness, the adrenaline, the warmth, the humidity, the bumping, the sweat, the noise, the squeezing and especially the queues. I HATE THE QUEUES. And with that amount of crowd, I have no space to move around freely. I can't run and I can’t stand being too slow. Ah… side tracked again.

This year’s AFA, AFA14 seems to have few new additions to it, which will make it interesting for the crowd. I am also looking forward to a few anime that hopefully have their own merchandises to display and hopefully sell. I want Akibaranger's Moe Moe Zukyuun.

Here is Aoi Ichikawa

 It looks so nice and it can double up as a figurine and a gun. 


Oh, it seems Miku is back but her booth is small though. Just like… the budget I set aside for this year. Yup, so much subtext. They already release a floor plan, their artiste lineup, stage events and a few brochure shots but I won’t put it on here, as I fear it might be taken down. So you guys can check it out on their Facebook page and for more details you can check out their website.

Have you guys bought your ticket yet? 

The ticket this year for the exhibition and stage is now a wristband that is waterproof...

I got mine last Saturday and was surprised that there wasn’t a line at all. And look how lucky I was. I have Miku as a bonus. 

Yay! A Miku ticket...

It’s not an actual Miku but I can dream about it. I can treat it like a charm when I attend AFA next Friday. I can’t wait for the doors to be open.

Well then, I guess I’ll leave you guys with a PV of this year’s AFA featuring a new mascot/character and for those who are attending AFA this year, hope to see you there!

Introducing Seika

Mata ne~

Written by Zwei


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