Singapore Toys and Games Comic Convention STGCC 2014 : Loots by Ninetylives
Hello again, fellow nerds!
It's been weeks since STGCC 2014, but I'm here with a loot post~
Surprisingly I didn't spend as much as I thought I would have, given that I didn't buy much at all. A couple of tees, a plush, a few postcards, and badges (again!).
I'm not going to delve into the event itself, Nana has already done an overview of STGCC, so I'll just be showing you guys my loot heheheh.
There wasn't much that caught my eye at the event, honestly, but I did manage to get really adorable KnB postcards! They're in chibi form, and even Aomine looks so cute. I find it really difficult to get a cute Aomine, especially in chibi form. This time round, not only is Aomine cute, the whole GOM is hella adorable too! Can't remember how much I got them for, but the set was definitely cheaper.
Up next I spotted a booth that was selling some art, and they're just too cute for me to walk past without getting any! It's spooky and adorable at the same time, so that's even better. Each card was selling at $1, and my friend and I shared to get 6 for $5. Nevermind that we split the 'set', the seller gave us each a roll of super kawaii wrapping paper as well! She could have given us both just one roll, but no, she gave us each one roll. Ain't she real nice?
After that I got a Free! Nagisa and Haruka tee!~~~
I was real hyped up about wearing them when I got home, but let me say that I was utterly disappointed with the service. First off, there was no trying on of shirts, but that's okay, because, yknow, no changing room and all that. So I asked for an M size, since I'm a general S-M size. Getting a shirt that is a tad larger is better than one that you can't fit into, right?
Right. So, one of the staff dug up a Haru tee, and held it up. Not held it against me, she just held it up, looked at it for a bit, and told me it will fit. I was a lil dubious, because it looked slightly small, but she told me it's an M size. Then I had to remind her that I wanted a Nagisa tee too.
It was alright that I had to ask again for a Nagisa tee, I mean, it was pretty busy, and pretty darn noisy to boot. Once again she just held it up, looked at me, and told me it would fit. So I made my payment and left real happily.
Until I got home and tried the tees on. Nagisa fit just right, a lil tight on the arms and a lil around the chest, but I supposed it might be due to my broad shoulders. For the Haru tee, I could fit, but it was uncomfortable and if I stretched, I might bust the tee. You know that feeling? When you fit, but you can't move? /loud cries
Sigh. I measured, the tees are different sizes. They didn't come with tagged sizes. so if Haru was an M, then Nagisa would be an L size. Which means, the size I wanted was supposed to an XL? And considering I'm averaged sized, how large do their sizing run?
/insert sobbing for three years
Maybe I could try washing them in the hopes that they might loosen up.. )': The quality is quite good though, so no complains about that.
Anyhow, that disappointment aside, here's my best buy ever. EVER.
A Monster Hunter Pig Plushie! Damn, I spotted it right when I was about to leave. The 'fur' is really nice, and it doesn't agitate my sensitive nose at all. I don't think they came in the watermelon diaper design, so I settled on the plain white. And it's quite large too! For only twenty bucks. TWENTY BUCKS.
Ahhhh. I forgot. Badges! No event is complete without getting badges. I don't even have space to keep them and yet I get more.. Oh well.
Overall STGCC was pretty fun, I even cosplayed! Albeit a rather failed KnB genderbent Himuro, considering I didn't have time to trim the fringe of my wig and do much research on the genderbent uniform. Still had a lot of fun though!
I should do more research on my next character though, I want to attempt Kise at least once..
Well, that's that more now!
Nerd out!
Written by: ninetylives
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