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Anime Matsuri 2014? Yes Please.

Cosplayers! Workshops! Official merchandise! Fan merchandise! Figurine displays! I've been excited about Funan Anime Matsuri for over a month~ I've read posts about it and decided I really should join in the fun this year. This week-long affair was highly hyped online and finally, on Sunday I stepped into Funan with bated breath. Really, I didn't have to be worried about anything. I had a great time! Every corner I turned, I spied something that peaks my interest. Without further ado, let me begin my Anime Matsuri tour~

First up, the nigh impossible to miss 4 or 5 racks stuffed with figurines at Anime Merchandise Land! This particular one is definitely set to get the hearts of mecha-heads pumping faster!

One Piece ships! I want them all~ I'm an enormous One Piece fan and it would be a dream to own this collection.

Right next to the display were booths for visitors to try out the latest One Piece Unlimited World Red for PS Vita! I passed as I'm pretty bad at video games, but it seemed cool anyway.

Loud screams heralded the arrival of Akatsuki Tsukasa, here for her workshop on makeup ^_^ She was stunning as Sailor Uranus, I just wish I could have seen her close up. Due to the crowd and as I'm not very interested in the application of false lashes, I went to look at more merchandise~

Gashapon blind boxes! Remember my previous post on Kuroko no Basuke gashapon blind boxes? Well, I bought the whole set so I would get one of every kind, but this is really how they are sold, both in Japan and in Singapore. If you get the character you want on your first purchase, you really gotta thank the luck of the draw!

The entire place was bursting at the seams with cosplayers, and here's Hinata from Haikyuu! His vibrant wig stole my heart, definitely one of my favourite cosplays from anime matsuri.

It was starting to get crowded, so I made my way upstairs to the Creators Hub, but was distracted by these displays! Unfortunately, my lousy phone camera barely captured the highly detailed figures.

I really love the character designs for Saint Seiya, even if I do not agree with the terribly flashy gold armor.

I was thrilled to spot Doraemon!  It was one of the first anime I watched, when I was so young I couldn't even differentiate anime from American-animated series. The plethora of accessories made me wish I could fiddle with them!

This photo is titled "Naruto in his Natural Habitat", as my friend calls it, and I agree! Just take away the nameplate and he looks like he's out on a mission.

Ah, another one from my youth. I remember my brother and I would fight to get the best spot on the sofa (that faces the television directly) just to watch Dragonball! It's a shame the lighting for the display cast deep shadows on Piccolo's face so I couldn't admire the setup entirely.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately thought of Usagi's catchphrase, "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!". As you can tell, this is yet another anime I grew up watching. Ah, at this point I feel a little old... It just occurred to me that the current generation is probably growing up with an entirely different set of anime... Welp, time waits for no one!

As soon as I stepped towards the fan booths, these colourful shirts caught my attention. Oh, also, as soon as I started browsing the fan booths, Itowokashi started performing~ Music to accompany my shopping, hehe.

Simple keychains made from laminated prints. There's a large range of characters. They're adorable, aren't they? Great job, artist! I'd take one of each if I still owned a phone that allows for keychains.

Original works held their own among all the fan merchandise too! I really like the cat print on the bottom right.

Absolutely adorable Pokemon stickers! As a kid, Pokemon was THE anime that motivated me to wake up bright and early on Saturdays so I could enjoy Ash and Pikachu's adventures after breakfast. I caught every week's episode so religiously, Jessie and James' motto are still imprinted in my mind.

Really beautiful art! My favourites are Cardcaptor Sakura and Kiki's Delivery Service. What pretty renditions these are!

After one round at the Creators Hub, I headed back downstairs, thinking I could snap some pictures at the Maid & Butler Cafe, but it seems there was a meet & greet session and I could hardly jostle through the crowds. The queue extended around the card battle games area as well, so I missed out on photos of that too.

This scene never fails to amuse me whenever I go to events. It is always the same, photographers armed with seemingly telescopic lenses form a circle around cosplayers, and us, the crowd, have to jostle around them. Ah, the star power of a cosplayer!

I managed to snap a quick photo of these two girls as Shinku and Kirakishou from Rozen Maiden as they happened to be posing nearby.

Bonus picture, Hakutaku of Hoozuki no Reitetsu! I really love the character and this cosplayer is so adorable~ This was the last picture I took as I fell prey to weariness after an entire afternoon of walking around A.K.A. I was hardly paying attention to the cosplay competition...

Anime Matusuri has just ended and I'm already looking forward to the next event... I can't wait for Cosfest!

Written by Nana

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