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All those wonderful anime art~!

I was rolling around talking to some people in my anime club, and we were talking about doujins and fanart...ah the wonderful world of doujins, the conversation then drifted to the best places to get anime pictures. And so here's a list of the sites after the discussion~!

Awesome site number one would be Pixiv~!

Pretty picture from Pixiv~^^
Sure it's a Japanese site but it's also automatically translated into English by Google translate. You should create an account to get the best experience of this site as it allows you to follow artists that you like, and the site features a daily ranking of pictures as well. It generally has an amazing pool of really nice and good quality pictures from mostly Japanese artists. The rendering of digital art there is simply beautiful. While it is still a pretty new site, the high quality illustrations that come from Pixiv earns it some well deserved recognition.

The second and third site mentioned is mostly for wallpapers I would think. They are Konachan.net and Minitokyo.

The difference between the two would be that Minitokyo features mostly non-fanart pictures, that means you get high resolution pictures/scans that come from art books or manga. So, what you're getting is official art. Konachan on the the hand is probably the best place to get fanart wallpapers. Both are great sources and should be part of your search.

The next few sites are probably the most well known for anime art, and they would be Deviant art and Zerochan

Personally I find that Zerochan has a better filter service for finding art of good quality, while Deviant art often mixes lower quality art with the good ones, thus making picture finding a bit more of a treasure hunt on the latter site. Still, well drawn renders can be found on the site if you look hard enough.

Other random sites that I use include Shuushuu and Danboru. 

Shuushuu has a comprehensive search function, so more often than not you can get pretty accurate search results as there is an option to search by tags, anime and character. Art quality is also decent, so it's recommended if you need a very specific picture. Like a barefoot, Hatsune Miku with a hat.

Art from Shuushuu~
Danboru...well...when I'm seriously building my anime picture collection this is normally the final site I end my search with, just so that I've covered all bases. This is because sometimes you can't really find pictures of those obscure anime here...and... not all the pictures here are clean (innocent) either... so just make sure your boss isn't behind you when you're searching something up here. But, you might find some cute pictures here like the one below.

Chibi Ciel and Alois~
Lastly, there is always Tumblr and Google if you are not sure where to start. I doubt these two sites need an explanation.

Find an interesting/good anime picture site not listed here? Let me know, by dropping a comment~ <3

Written by Neko

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