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Japanese Instant Cake in a Mug from Daiso

Truth be told, the word “instant”, does not have extremely good undertones these years. Less so if it’s powdered instant cake in a mug you got at Daiso for $2. (what else?)

First thing I noticed was that this thing has so many words written on it’s packaging, I know that the little arch of text on top are the cooking instructions. But besides that, we have “KappuKeki” right on top, “Mokomoko” on that yellow…thing in the middle of the box and that entire tagline below.

But according to the ingredients at the back, the full name of the product is:

“Magukappude Osyarena Keki Moko Moko (mokatyoko)” I kid you not, refer below.

Could someone verify this?

Something of note is that there are some pretty intriguing items in the ingredients list, the two most interesting being “Cron Syrup” and “Calcium of Scallop Shell”. To be fair, “Cron Syrup” is probably a typo. But if anyone could enlighten me as to what “Calcium of Scallop Shell” is, I would be thankful.

Because right now I still have no idea what I actually ingested.

Now on to the taste test.

The perforated cardboard is pretty easy to get into.

The cake mix comes in a couple of rather sterile looking bags. The powder inside smells pleasantly chocolaty. The instructions do tell us that this is a “Mocha-Choco Cupcake” though. You can have a look-see at the instructions below.

Here’s the beaten egg and powder, I can’t say it looks extremely appetizing. 

Somehow it manages to look worse mixed.

So right about here the instructions tell us to Microwave at 500w for two minutes, or 600w for one and a half minutes. The problem is that Singaporean power outlets are generally of higher wattage than Japanese ones. Therefore my microwave is a 900w beast!

I then decided to microwave the cake in intervals of 45 seconds. After the first 45 seconds, the result I got was this. It was foamy, gooey and smelled like raw egg. Pretty vile, all in all.

“I really don’t want to touch this, it’s that alright?”

It took me around 3x45 seconds to get the cake fully cooked. By that time I was staring dubiously at the mug. At this stage, it smelled great, warm and chocolaty, a very comforting smell, there was still a trace of egg somewhere in there though.

So how did it taste? It tasted pretty good, a lot like a loose-crumb blondie, buttery, comforting, warm and spongey. I topped it with some ice-cream to reward myself for surviving the exams.

The heat pretty much melted the cream and soaked the cake. Boy, was it delicious.

I am actually pretty amazed that this dubious mixture of powder and egg managed to turn out extremely well. Needless to say, I would buy this again in a heartbeat. But for people who are skittish about having raw eggs in your stuff, you might want to avoid this because there are traces of uncooked batter here and there. Although, that just might be an issue with my cooking. It is something pretty unique though, so you should try it!

Bon appétit!
Written by Ash

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