AFA Matsuri Anime Event in Singapore
So this event has opened last May 27, 2013 and will be running up until June 2, 2013. Yes, that’s right you still have time to get yer otaku asses to check out the event.
I went there last May 29, 2013 to get some scoop or an eyeful of what happens there. Mind you, the event might not look oh so grand but… who cares if the good stuffs doesn’t happen everyday, then this one can just break the boring internet-(insert occupation here)-internet drama we Anime Lovers have.
Here are some overviews of what’s there:
Action figures up for sale.
Figures for sale and on display ranges from the chibi figures to the mecca ones. The prices might be a bit like your normal ones but we always have the necessity to get it from an event, right? Ugh.. in my case though, much as I would want to I still have to stick with my Gundam obsession. So if you’re expecting me to write anything about the other merchandises, I have to spend time memorizing them, number one, and I have to do the thorough research if I want to save myself from any forms of bashing. Haha.. please do check them out yourself.. and share what you bought maybe?
What better treat for the little boys? Cutesy girls! It’s this thing about anime that makes the little boys blush and scream like little girls would do for Bishies J (and, no I am not guilty) > as if saying this would vindicate me. Booths sponsored by the AFA people have several merchandises that carries moe things. Skip the part, I still take my claim on being a minor fujoshi.
The Tooth fairy’s Revenge
The busiest booth there is. Brings out the kid in everybody. People buying ages from 5 to erm… 40’s, maybe older but a 40 something was buying loots in front of me. Best buy: the chopper mineral water thing that looks like a trophy… wasn’t able to buy one because I am on a teenage dirtbag budget. L They also have several sweet and food things, Doraemon, a Hayao Miyazaki character and other cutesy merchandise. Price range is okay, just as long as you don’t find everything cute, which might be impossible but still, keyword is control.
The Doraemon Happy Vendor
Service, none like the other. Okay, Asians are known for the bowing and the best customer service but I am talking about the people in costume. The food stall have Doraemons serving and cashiering and tending. Just further to the left from the booth are the pretty maid-chans in their maid café.. J Possibly, I did not take any pictures from that booth because I want you guise to be very curious. > which I am so sure now that you’re trying to hurry and dress up while looking at this article for some more tips and infos before heading out to check the event. Well, hayaku!
Otaku Vendor wearing Special A Uniform ^^
The CardFight
It’s what made everybody so fussy and busy that day. I am not into cards much.. so I can’t write anything or whatever. From a speculator’s point of view, everybody seems to have a nice time playing with everybody else.. so maybe if you are interested, you can go and check it out, don’t forget to bring those stacks you have with you.. who knows.
OMnomnomnoms. > schedule here. It says Kaname-sama will be up this Saturday, June 1, 2013. Some other cosplayers are to/have appeared in the event. Make sure to charge up you cameras and don your costumes to life… at least you’d look good even if you faint in front of him. Hehe
Some of the Cosplayers that appreared in the event.
By the way, this Claymore character won 1st Prize! With the hercules effort to design and don the cumbersome outfit. He deserved it the top prize!
The Free Film
The day I went they were showing The Eleventh Striker, one of the installations in Detective Conan movies. I was a bit surprised that when the film was shown on stage, everybody just sat down on the floor and went on watching until the end, I was kind of suspecting that everybody has watched the film but… it’s what loving animes are all about, no matter how many times you have watched something, it still give you the same feel over and over.
They will also be showing Naruto The Movie- Road to Ninja, Fairytail Priestess of the Phoenix, and more.
Them Film People
Pretty much these are the things that I’ve witnessed from the event, too bad haven’t been to the more exciting ones due to crappy work. Apologies to the bad quality pictures I’ve taken, will be improving them soon.
Please share your experiences on the said event and will be happy to discuss things and learn new ones from you.
And… since I have the worse memory ever of everything to remember you might as well check the official page:
Ja mata!
Written by SM
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