K The Anime
My Impression
Brought to you by the animation studio GoHands, the series began airing in October of 2012 with 13 episodes in total (though I've heard that there might be a second season). Hands down, I will say that K is one of the most beautiful Anime of last fall. If I were to base this review on the aesthetics alone, it will most definitely hit the score of 10.Upon 5.
Yes, that's how magnificent this series is, impacting you visually and keeping you glued to the screen. The lines are drawn sharp, the colour theme spectacularly vibrant, depicting a cityscape that is polished and gleaming. There are millions of details in every nook and corner of every scene. With flashes and explosions of light that would dazzle you with the way they are seemingly alive and reaching out to you, this anime is definitely a feast for the eyes ~ written by Deviliscious
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I will give the show a look when I have the time. I originally had planned to see it anyway, especially since there's a rumored second season coming.