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It's Gacha Game Time!
The 2nd game event will start now. To win, you need to guess and comment your answer. Deadline is 19th April 2013, 9pm (Singapore Time). To qualify, you need to do the following: (read all the way until the end)

1) 'LIKE' our facebook page, Anime Bukuro
2) 'LIKE' this post
3) 'SHARE' this post. Make sure click to 'Public' settings when sharing.

So all you need to do is to simply guess the total number of capsule toys from the 2 bags in the picture. Top 5 who guess correctly or guess nearest to the correct number will each get a brand new capsule toy each with free postage worldwide. Please spread and ask friends to join too. 

You may also like to visit my article about Capsule Toys here
To participate in the guessing game, please go here.

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