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Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that we have founded a NEW facebook page named Anime Bukuro. Why "we"? 

Well, due to long hours of work, Toastmasters and writing in Squidoo, I find it more and more difficult to venture into new projects. I'm someone who always have endless ideas in my mind at any one time. My colleague said "Max, why are you so restless, you keep walking around!". These words aptly describe my personality. I feel I have my hands on too many pies and I ought to learn how to focus. 

So back to the subject of this new facebook page "Anime Bukuro". The mention of this name makes me excited and exhilarated!

Do join us here in our new facebook page. We look forward to ever expanding our fan base and did I mention that we are giving away anime stuffs every week? Thanks once again for visiting our blog \(^.^)/

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