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Coffee Genie - Tomoko Yua 智子結愛

Name : Tomoko Yua 智子結愛 (ともこゆあ)  
Height : 80-120cm   
Weight : Weightless 
Measurements : 36D-25-36
Birthday : 1 January 1961
Designed : Max Wong
Illustrated : Angelics Mana 

A beautiful Coffee Genie, Tomoko Yua (pronounce as To-mo-ko Yu-ah) loves coffee. She has long wavy brown hair and blue eyes. Her curvaceous dark body is synonymous to that of the sexy ancient genies. She first appeared in a cafe in Tokyo back in 1961 when an otaku ordered a cuppa of cappuccino. Thereafter, she has been appearing very often ever since. Nobody knows her exact real age but the otaku who first discovered commemorated the day as her birthday (1 January 1961). What is remarkable about Tomoko is that she never ages and maintains the youthfulness of a 21 years old.

Tomoko will appear anywhere all over the world and greet you with an endearing "Good morning and Have a Nice Day" in various kinds of languages. An otaku who meets Tomoko will receive an abundance of blessing and good luck for the rest of the day. So keep calm and drink coffee!

...and Tomoko in chibi forms

Written by Max

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